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1 answer

Java - set resolution of game

Hi everybody I am making small game using pure Java 8 and rednering it by Java AWT Graphics2D method . My question is how to make that user can change the quality ...
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5 votes
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Making a pixel-perfect viewport in LibGDX

My game that uses LibGDX as the graphics library, should be playable with every display. Here's the problem: It have to be pixel-perfect. That means, the scale factor must be an integer value, so that ...
null's user avatar
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Tiled: handling multiple map sizes

I have two sets of assets (lo res and hi res) that are exact replicas of each other except one set is twice the size of the other and used for larger screens. At runtime, I find the users screen size, ...
Eric's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Problem, why the mouse cursor position is totally wrong, after resizing the window?

I come here, because i'm trying to add some "menu" interface in my small XNA Game . I found on internet a nice library adviced by many devellopers. Till now everythink is ok, the problem is my C# code ...
Mehdi Bugnard's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Do resolution settings have any impact or give any advantage in online FPS games?

There is this crazy theory that has always bothered me. I am not after a technically but more theoretically (although technical knowledge is required to) answer; Two friends are playing the same ...
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0 votes
2 answers

Mobile Game Development: Supporting Multiple Screen Resolution for iOS

Questions When designing the graphics of the game (e.g. for iPhone): What is the resolution I should base it upon? Is it the smaller resolution (iPhone4 screen resolution) so that I could scale it ...
dovicz's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

Biggest resolution for art assets for mobile games [closed]

I have created a game, and now I need to integrate graphics and distribute it for iOS and Android devices. As there are crazy number of screen resolutions, I think I should have just 3 set of art ...
Narek's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

How to resize my 2d game to fit the screen?

I am currently making a 2D game using Java (Java 2D). I want to make my game resizable. If you play any game on an emulator (e.g. legend of Zelda in fceux emulator) in full screen mode, you'll see ...
anonymous's user avatar
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32 votes
7 answers

Why do games ask for screen resolution instead of automatically fitting the window size?

It seems to me that it would be more logical, reusable and user-friendly to implement flexible, responsive UI layout over a 3d or 2d screen, which can then be run on any screen resolution. Some ...
user44900's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Multiple resolutions for Unity 2D Android game

I'm trying to target as many devices as possible by providing a consistent experience. So I'm trying to make sure the aspect ratio fits each device it's played on. After reading some forums and ...
Siddharth's user avatar
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1 answer

Scaling background without scaling foreground in platformer?

I'm currently developing a platform game and I've run into a problem with scaling resolutions. I want a different resolution of the game to still display the foreground unscaled (characters, tiles, ...
David Xu's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Would seam carving/liquid rescale make changing aspect ratios easier?

Seam carving is an algorithm which allows for resizing images without major distortions. I think it might help to make games which would adapt to different aspect ratios/resolutions much easier. But ...
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3 votes
1 answer

Should my assets match my reference resolution?

I'm confused over supporting multiple resolutions in my 2D game. I'm currently working with a reference resolution of 1280x720. That means that all elements are positioned in a 1280x720 coordinate ...
futlib's user avatar
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2 votes
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Support for different resolutions in a tabletop environment

Right now I am experimenting with XAML and C# to write a small Windows Store App which supports displaying a playmat with cards. However not everyone uses the same resolution and with a somehow fixed ...
Christian Ivicevic's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Detecting Screen Resolution in Android/AndEngine to display high or low quality images

I am developing a game with 1024x600 resolution. I can't target smaller resolution devices at this resolution, so I intend to use two graphics for the game. How do I detect which graphics to use for ...
Siddharth's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

Making a 2D game with responsive resolution

I am making a 2D game, however I wish for it to be resolution agnostic. My target resolution i.e. where things look as intended is 1600 x 900. My ideas are: Make the HUD stay fixed to the sides no ...
alexandervrs's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

How can I replicate the look and limitations of the Super NES?

I am looking to produce graphics with the same limitations / look that in the Super Nes era. I am specifically looking for graphics similar to Chrono Trigger / FF6. It would be a lot easier to do if ...
Cristol.GdM's user avatar
5 votes
4 answers

Minimum target resolution for a desktop PC/Mac Game?

Lets assume I start a new PC/Mac desktop (not netbook) game today that will take something like one year to be released publicly and that is a lot about graphic details (not realistics, just ...
Klaim's user avatar
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