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Android Specifications : What are the integer values for "small" screen size, "normal" screen size, ldpi, mdpi, hdpi?

Android has this document where they define thee terms for screen size, and pixel density such as screenSize="small", "ldpi". Here is the link to that document: https://developer....
Job_September_2020's user avatar
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How to detect if a mobile device is a foldable phone?

There are new "foldable" mobile devices such as Samsung foldable phones. Is there any way we can write a C# script in Unity to detect if the device is a foldable phone ? I try, but can't ...
Job_September_2020's user avatar
2 votes
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How to adjust objects' coordinates and scale for different device resolutions?

I have a bunch of objects which are generated in specific coordinates, let's say in a range of -5 to +5 on the X axis. I came up with these numbers because of camera size I have in Unity editor. What ...
Random generalist's user avatar
9 votes
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How to force keep the aspect ratio and specific resolution without stretching the output screen view?

I'm using Screen.SetResolution() But when I run in Android device, it shows the output image is stretched to fill up the full screen which I don't want. I want it to keep the aspect ratio properly. ...
elliotching's user avatar
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Unity - how to switch between ratios in a Scene View?

I'm complately new to Unity, but I know what's going on, I've made some games with LibGDX earlier. In GDX, to handle all ...
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