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Questions tagged [ranking]

A method of prioritizing a set of similar entities by comparing a value. Can be used to order players by competency (win %) or equipment by cost.

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How to implement Glicko-2 rating system in a scalable way?

I have a multiplayer game that, similar to chess, will have a win/tie/lose outcome in a 1v1 setting. I've been looking at Elo versus Glicko & Glicko-2 and it seems Glicko-2 might be a good one to ...
K2xL's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

How to sort leaderboards, given wins and total games played?

The game is card game. The only results I get is wins and TGP (total games played). Losses = TGP - wins. I want to rank the players in the most fair way without making it too complex. What I have ...
Janis Taranda's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How to ensure new players aren't blocked from the leaderboards?

There is a simple word game, where players score points for each game they play. It creates a global chart, ranking players by their score. The problem is that when a new player comes into the game, ...
user1065145's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Mapping TrueSkill scores to a ranking system

I have a 1v1 game that I would like to apply a ranking system to like most competitive multiplayer games out there. I'm specifically looking for systems like League of Legends where they have Silver, ...
Harry's user avatar
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Limit PvP dogpiling

Browser-based strategy game where you play an empire vs other player empires. The main PvP element is battles between empires where outcome results in gaining or losing rank. Troops are also damaged/...
SpacemanSpiff's user avatar
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Separate player rating systems for attackers and defenders

Imagine a kind of tower defence game where each player specialises either in defence or attack (a player is either one or the other in all games). In each game the attacker and the defender get ...
user45893's user avatar
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3 votes
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Why do game developers force new players to play a big amount of unranked games before playing ranked?

I have noticed that CS:GO and Overwatch, two very popular competitive games, force you to play a rather big amount of unranked games and gain a certain "level" before you are allowed to play ranked. ...
R.I.P.30.12.21Baskakov_Dmitriy's user avatar
6 votes
4 answers

How to design a leaderboard where lower is better?

In a classic high score leaderboard, the player with the highest score is leading, followed by people with slightly lower scores. In short, higher is better. But in a game I am working on, the player ...
Lars Ebert-Harlaar's user avatar
1 vote
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ELO Rating System & Multiple Games Against the Same Player

I've decided to use the ELO rating system for my chess-like strategy game. I've implemented the algorithm but I don't really understand it completely (I'm not a maths person)... I've decided to give ...
user38725's user avatar
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2 answers

Ranking system for "offline" game?

I'm currently developing a game where players will be able to battle each other, not in real time, but offline, in a way where both players doesn't have to be online. This might seem like a bad idea, ...
tobloef's user avatar
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1 answer

which is the best approach or algorithm to calculate real-time ranking

I want to know the fastest and most efficient way to compute points and ranking in real time. I'm doing a betting football game (a game where users try to predict the outcome of a game before it). In ...
Fingolricks's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Tournament ranking for card game bot fights - how to try new bot against existing ranking?

Let's say we run a tournament for 10 bots playing 1-1 fights in card game with significant randomness influence. To measure bot skills level we run round-robin with 10k matches per each pair. Ranking ...
tomash's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

Stock Game Ranking System [closed]

I'm currently making a stock game where the user can buy fictional stocks. Upon registering the user will receive 1.000.000 DKK (danish krone) to spend on stocks. I'm trying to create a ranking ...
Jazerix's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Ranking - which position to show? [closed]

My company is making Android apps, mostly little games... Most of them have a view with the users profile and a view with a ranking list. In the users profile you can see what rank the user is and ...
ElDuderino's user avatar
-1 votes
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How do I create a score based on two or more weighted parameters?

In my game I have two variables x and y which should be "included" in the final score, but with different "weights" (unknown and ...
AndrewShmig's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Will changing app name in iOS app store affect/reset app ranking?

I want to change the name of my app but was wondering if that would change/affect/reset the ranking it already has. Anyone know?
Jeremy's user avatar
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17 votes
3 answers

Player ranking using Elo with more than two players

I would like to use Elo to track player rankings between matches of a certain game, however the game can be played with up to four players in a match. I have seen games like Carcassonne use Elo with ...
fbrereto's user avatar
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2 votes
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Efficient existing rating system for multiplayer?

I would like to add a rating for online version of a board game. In this game there are many game rooms each normally having 3-4 people. So I expect that player's rating adjustments (RA) should ...
Nikolay Kuznetsov's user avatar
4 votes
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Estimating players' odds of winning in a fighting game

I'm creating a fighting game where two opponents face off against each other in the ring. While I've been able to figure out the odds of a player winning based on previous wins/losses, I have yet to ...
thinkfuture's user avatar
1 vote
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Ranking system in an Android Open Source project

This is my first question in any stackexchange board, but I've been reading Stack Overflow answers for a few months. I hope this question is appropriate for this one. I am developing a simple Android ...
Ryckes's user avatar
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Implementing Online Leaderboards for indie windows PC Game

I've just finished my game and I'd like to add some ranking functionality to it. I have a mySQL database running on my website and want to be able to insert and retrieve data from it. My knowledge in ...
Felipe Lira's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

How to compute highscores, so that 10 matches will "correctly" compete 100 matches

When computing highscores, it is possible to: count sum of points (in every match), count average of points (across all matches). Sum is vulnerable to: multiple low-quality matches. Average is ...
GoCoder's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Which K-factor should be used in case players have different K-factor values

I am implementing a ranking system based on the Elo rating and cannot get a point about the K-factor. If two players with different skills and, therefore, different K-factors are playing, which ...
Dmitry Nikolaev's user avatar
2 votes
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Player Ranking System

Already posted this on another forum but I'll repost it here because I'm curious if this is a good forum for game-design questions. I'm looking to design a player ranking system for my game. The ...
Pking's user avatar
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6 votes
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Giving points to users - how can I make it interesting?

I have a website where users can choose the winner of a sporting event. If they guess correctly they get 1 point, otherwise they receive zero points. At the end all users are ranked based on their ...
Maler's user avatar
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9 votes
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ELO algorithm for handling people who don't play often

I'm using the ELO algorithm to rank players in an ongoing pong competition. Most players play every day, but we've got one player who hasn't played in a month. My algorithm currently only tracks ...
Jemaclus's user avatar
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How can player actions be "judged morally" in a measurable way?

While measuring the player "skills" and "effort" is usually easy, adding some "less objective" statistics can give the player supplementary goals, especially in a MUD/RPG context. What I mean is that ...
Sebastien Diot's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Match Making Groups of Players

Given a situation where I have a pool of X people of different scores (ranks) S with game size ...
Kendall Hopkins's user avatar
13 votes
4 answers

Simplest most effective way to rank and measure player skill in a multi-player environment?

I know of the Truskill algorithm, it's quite complex but effective. My question is there other algorithms/methods to determine a players skill for accurate measuring for multi-player competitive ...
Wight's user avatar
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3 answers

What middle tier and backend libraries exist for handling player matching and out of game information? [closed]

Are there any libraries or frameworks readily available that handle player metrics, rankings, matching, tournaments, etc? Anything for managing the player community? (Please don't say DotNetNuke)
Larry Smithmier's user avatar