Questions tagged [performance]

The quality, efficiency, and speed of running gameplay as a result of several factors in the design and structure of the game and its architecture.

116 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Cache friendliness of AABB-Tree: binary vs N>2

I found that state-of-the-art physics engines like Bullet and Box2D all use binary AABB-Tree for broad-phase collision detection. I wonder, did anybody tested AABB-tree with >2 branches per node ? ...
Prokop Hapala's user avatar
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Performance problems with scrolling html5 canvas for large tile-based game

I try programming a clone as an electron app and do the visualization via the html5 canvas. The movement across the tiles should look fluent like the original, so I target 60 frames a second. ...
Medolie's user avatar
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Fast selection of visible child components

I'm working on gui and I have next realization of base UI component: So when I want to get absolute component position I need to sum all parent positions with component position. Also if I want ...
SpinyOwl's user avatar
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OpenGL Slow rendering of half a million points on Windows

How can I speed up the drawing of my points in OpenGL on Windows? I have an Qt 5.9.1 app that shows real time Lidar data, so at a certain frequency I add points to my buffer (which I've overloaded to ...
Matt's user avatar
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Determining whether a large building should be split into multiple scenes

This is about designing a first person retro game in Unity3d. In this game the player would walk around inside a large maze-like building that has corridors on 10-15 different floors. Each floor has ...
SherlockEinstein's user avatar
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Unity - strange performance impact with moving objects

I'm trying to find the solution for 46 hours now and I'd be really happy if someone knows it! I'm using a DOTween library for moving the objects. I also use ...
Jacob's user avatar
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Unity has extreme lag while deleting trees from terrain

So I have a terrain with sections of water in it. I just placed a whole bunch of trees in the scene with mass place. However, it spawned trees in the water which I obviously want to remove. But when I ...
mr-matt's user avatar
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What's the fastest collision detection (Game Maker)

I want to build a simulator using Game Maker in which there are many (up to hundreds) of obj_Cell, each has a radius of 10, (they don't have sprites, they just draw ...
user289661's user avatar
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real time lights and high quality shadows in webgl build

I have a game in which there are a lot of objects constantly moving around and a lot of real time lights with their setting set to highest, I'm building my game as webgl and this is costing me a lot ...
Henjin's user avatar
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Rendering with sdl_gfx is so slow, any alternative?

I have been using sdl_gfx ( sdl2 extension library ) to make Android games, I have always noticed that rendering primitives is so slow. So I was rendering it once ...
Dhia Hassen's user avatar
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Culling And Optimization in a 2D Orthographic Game

I'm currently developing a 2D top-down space themed RTS game. I'm building the space procedurally from a seed. At the end of generation of all space objects, if i don't apply any optimizations I end ...
starikcetin's user avatar
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LWJGL 3 - Random Sprites Don't Blend

Some of my sprites don't "Blend" in with tiles behind them Z-wise. glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); Depth testing is enabled and works. ...
Lucien's user avatar
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How do I manage monster tables and item databases in my Android game?

To learn more about AI during combat, I made a demo in Unity where a player would fight a creature in an arena. I started here because I plan to implement the system I'm working on in another game. In ...
Zimano's user avatar
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Performance problem with BufferedImage and AlphaComposite

I'm currently making a 2D platformer game and now I want to implement Light using AlphaComposite. For creating the lights I first create a blank BufferedImage with ARGB format. After this, I create ...
AvarionDE's user avatar
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Are the prefabs stored in RAM or in the Hard disk? (Unity3D)

I have many prefabs objects (65 MB) in an Unity3D project. My game use 100 different levels with combinations of the prefab objects. What is better create 100 scenes or create only one scene where ...
esdebon's user avatar
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How to update everything but 1 thing in pygame and python

What I'm doing So I'm developing a game for my Computer Science final with python & pygame. It's done other then I have to make a main menu. I've been developing it over the last 2 weeks because ...
Kyle's user avatar
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