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1 answer

My app crash using OpenAL but only in Release Mode

I'm building up a complete game engine so, basically, it integrate a sound system. The problem is that a line make me crash in my code. The strange thig is that my app crash ONLY when I compile using ...
MacEquette's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

Deleting OpenAL Effects

When calling alDeleteEffects to destroy an effect, is it necessary to first remove it from any auxiliary slots that it may be active in? I know first removing a ...
ForeverZer0's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Coverting byte[] from stereo to mono produces crackling in OpenAL

I'm trying to convert a Stereo byte[] to mono byte[] Here is my code : ...
David Neves's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

OpenAL listener position for isometric camera

I have an isometric camera for an RTS that looks like this: Basically, I don't know how to set the listener's position in OpenAL because I represent the camera's position with only two coordinates. ...
user5074736's user avatar
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Creating a playlist with LWJGL and OpenAL

I'd like to know how to create a playlist for the music in my games. I use LWJGL, and know a bit of OpenAL, however I can't figure out how to test for when a song is over. I want to be able to play ...
GiraffeKey's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Can OpenAL be used with Python?

I'm from a background of using OpenAL with other languages; and I'm on a project that benefits very much from Python. I remember PyAL, but it hasn't been updated since 2013 and my computer can't even ...
Michael Macha's user avatar
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How do I distribute MonoGame games in Windows?

I'm using VS2013 and MonoGame to create a simple game. The things is I can't make it run on others PCs. I've tried to copy Content to the Release folder using the "always copy" option in VS2013; I've ...
hnrqndrd's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Looping OpenAL sounds with one buffer - or how to do it correctly?

I require to implement a statically played sound class which supports looping of the audio data - and requires this to be changed at runtime (e.g., turning off looping). Maybe I understand something ...
Ray's user avatar
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1 answer

Legal Implications of using Openal in Opentk Commercially

Myself and my friend are currently creating a game, which we plan on selling upon its completion. We are using opentk. I read over this: , and it pretty well describes ...
Sonicboom282's user avatar
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OpenAL Soft - Sounds cut off randomly

I'm using OpenAL Soft 1.16.0. Everything's running fine, but for some reason my sounds keep getting cut off at either the beginning or the end (hard to tell). It's not really noticable for music and ...
Silverlan's user avatar
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alBufferData() sets AL_INVALID_OPERATION when using buffer ID obtained from alSourceUnqueueBuffers()

I am trying to stream audio data from disk using OpenAL's buffer queueing mechanism. I load and enqueue 4 buffers, start the source playing, and check in a regular intervals to refresh the queue. ...
Ionoclast Brigham's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

How do I prevent clicking at the end of each sound play in OpenAL?

I have put together a basic sound handler class for use in my game. It uses OpenAL. It's a simple method at the moment to play sounds - here's an extract from a switch block: ...
CdrTomalak's user avatar
7 votes
4 answers

How to prevent multiple playing sounds from destroying your hearing?

The problem is that when I play 100 sounds almost at same time, all I hear is noise. It's not very attractive to listen it for 30 minutes straight. I tried to fix this by allowing only 1 sound of ...
Rookie's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

How compatible is OpenAL?

I'm making a game that needs sounds and LWJGL uses OpenAL. I was wondering out of 1.0, 1.1, C 1.0 and C 1.1 which would be the best to pick? I don't know what the C is but it's there in LWJGL :). My ...
LiquidFeline's user avatar
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12 votes
2 answers

Where can i get the openal sdk for c++?

The OpenAL site I'm looking at is a crappy outdated and broken sharepoint portal and the SDK in the downloads section give me a 500 html code when i request it.
Peter Short's user avatar
1 vote
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OpenAL seems to ignore sound attentuation/orientation for long sounds

I don't know how else to describe it in the title, sorry. My sound engine currently works perfectly with listener positioning and sound positioning to create the attentuation and panning effects. At ...
jmegaffin's user avatar
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13 votes
1 answer

How should I unbind and delete OpenAL buffers?

I'm using OpenAL to play sounds. I'm trying to implement a fire-and-forget play function that takes a buffer ID and assigns it to a source from a pool I have previously allocated, and plays it. ...
user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Best practices for playing sounds in iPhone games

What are the best practices for playing sounds in iPhone games? Specifically, what are the best practices while playing sounds simultaneously without affecting other processing much. Is there any ...
Vijayendra's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

How to play many sounds at once in OpenAL

I'm developing an RTS game and I would like to add sounds to it. My choice has landed on OpenAL. I have plenty of units which from time to time make sounds: fSound.Play(sfx_shoot, location). Sounds ...
Kromster's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

How to loop over a part of an ogg vorbis stream?

I'm successfully streaming ogg vorbis data to openAL with the Java library JOrbis, but now I want to loop over a part of this stream, e.g from 30" to 1'30". I thought that at the end of the loop, I ...
Mr_Qqn's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

OpenAL - alGetSourcei and AL_BUFFERS_PROCESSED gives junk

Posted this question on SO but got no answers. Maybe somebody can help me here. I recently had a well-working program which streamed WAV and Ogg sounds with OpenAL. I then decided to abstract the ...
Anthony's user avatar
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