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Questions tagged [mmorts]

Massively Multiplayer Online RealTime Strategy. The concept which combines strategy games with a persistent online world.

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2 answers

How do I control multiple Pawns without possesing them (RTS style)?

I am making a multiplayer RTS but I have a problem controlling spawned units (let's call them Vessels), specifically moving them around with AI MoveTo bp. Vessels ...
SomeDude's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Names for specific regions on earth for global RTS

I am developing a global real-time strategy game that uses Google Maps to represent the earth. I am cutting up the globe into 32 squares with each square exactly 45 degrees latitude and longitude. The ...
Arj's user avatar
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html5 canvas isometric tile map

i need a help i have an Isometric Staggered tile map in Tiled ( 100x100 tiles, 94x54px, 9447x2727px. total. How can i make this in html5 canvas ? var context = document....
vsys's user avatar
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1 answer

How can I design a battle algorithm for my MMORTS?

So I am actually developing a MMORTS myself, and this is getting me stuck a bit. So lets say you have two opposing armies who just started their battle. How should the code determine who is the winner?...
HaiBoy's user avatar
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6 votes
5 answers

Force new players to play tutorial?

We have released our new game to a closed alpha group. It's a browser-based MMO RTS, however some aspects of the game are slightly different from the "standards" you'd expect to see in traditional RTS'...
Arj's user avatar
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7 votes
9 answers

Help resolve territory acquisition design difference of opinion in MMO RTS

TL;DR: My business partner and I disagree about how to implement "territory acquisition" in an MMO RTS we are close to (alpha) launching: My view: Small squares (5m edge) that get larger as you "...
Arj's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

cron jobs for MMO browser game

I have to implement cron jobs in to my MMO browser game. Its like in Travian game - you build something, and wait few minutes or hours.. But the problem is, that cron job shedulers made to be sheduled ...
mansim's user avatar
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-1 votes
2 answers

MMO RTS - Implementing a waiting time with a real time battlefield at the end

So, this is a "how to mix concepts and still remain playable" type of question, with concepts being the real-timeness of Age of Empires and waiting-time-dependency of Ikariam. What I mean? ...
starikcetin's user avatar
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1 answer

Better streaming economy algorithm?

Does anyone here have experience making games with streaming economies? I am working on a game and am looking for a better way to handle the economy. I feel like there must be a better algorithm than ...
Zell Faze's user avatar
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-4 votes
3 answers

Should I create an MMORTS game with server side coding? [closed]

I have gone through many articles on the internet and got to a final conclusion that their is almost no way to protect the game (it can be hacked or its code can be extracted from its APK) and should ...
Developer Nation's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

(Unity) Optimised networking solution for many moving objects

I've currently undertaking quite an ambitious project. In short, it's a real time multiplayer strategy game which has bacteria mechanics. Essentially, I have two remote players in the environment, ...
Rachel Cabot's user avatar
7 votes
3 answers

Representing realistic population

What's the best way to represent a realistic population number (e.g USA:317,569,000) in game? For example, Civilization your city has 1 Citizen. Obviously, a city can't just have one person in a city ...
Eonasdan's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

How to simulate timed attacks in browser-based games?

In my MMORTS browser-based game, I want that all attacks be performed 7 minutes later after the player does it. So, when the player clicks on attack button, a countdown becomes visible to both the ...
Amin Saqi's user avatar
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-4 votes
1 answer

What technology is needed for this mmorts idea? [closed]

I've got an idea for an real time strategy game like Starcraft or Age of Empires, but there is only one single massive persistent map or world with thousands of factions and each faction's units/...
siamii's user avatar
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5 votes
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How should I track real-time resource generation in a client-server scenario?

I am currently building a game that has a "City" entity. These cities generate and consume resources such as food variably over a period of time. I need to be able query the server often to find ...
Darthg8r's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Making online battles take time

Let's say I have an account on an MMORTS and I send my 10,000 strong army to a location on the map. I then shut off my computer. Another player gives orders to his 10,000 strong army to walk to the ...
user avatar
30 votes
4 answers

What has stopped MMORTS games from being successful? [closed]

We all know that there have been attempts to create commercially successful MMORTS games, but all have failed. By failed, I mean that they didn't get really popular in the gaming community. Why is ...
jcora's user avatar
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