Questions tagged [mecanim]

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16 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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using IK functions in MecAnim

The documentation on how to use IK functions clearly states that an Animator Controller with at least one animation for the character is required and then Layers ...
Mary Jane's user avatar
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Proper setup for Mecanim standing jump animation

I have a character standing jump animation with that the character at start prepares for the jump (flexing downwards) and then jumps up in the air and i'm wondering how to get it working properly with ...
BadmintonCat's user avatar
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How do I include a blend tree in my controller?

I want my player to aim up and down with a pistol. I have stored an "aim up" pose in one anim file, and I have stored an "aim down" pose in another anim file. I want to blend ...
tmighty's user avatar
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Different animations depending on multiple factors on Unity mechanim animator

I have a character that can carry a single-handed weapon, a two-handed weapon or no weapons at all (weapon hold type int parameter) with a boolean if aiming or weapon down. He can remain idle, he can ...
takada yoshiro's user avatar
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Control the Transform component of an object while the animation is playing

It seems the the animation controls the Transform component of the gameobject, hence making it not possible to control the transform properties while the animation is playing. Is there any way to ...
Casanova's user avatar
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How to add (not blend) non-looped animation clip to looped animation with Mecanim?

I have a GameObject with Animator and looped animation clip. This animation changes X coordinate from 0 to 10 and back. I need to add another animation to the first one that increases GameObject's ...
Skyblade's user avatar
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Applying Animation to specific parts of a humanoid model

I have imported a humanoid character from AutoDesk Character Generator into Unity. Once you specify that you want the character for Unity, a humanoid skeleton in integrated, in order to use MecAnim. ...
Mary Jane's user avatar
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Unity Animator/Collider Default Property Issues

How do you use Unity's Animator when dealing with animation curve values that have a default value and the default value causes jumps in animation transitions? I have a bit of a complex problem with ...
BadmintonCat's user avatar
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gazing and lip syncing in Unity 5.2

Is it possible to achieve gazing or lip syncing in Unity 5.2 at all, similar to Locomotion done through MecAnim?
Mary Jane's user avatar
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The animation state could not be played because it couldn't be found!

If I try to use animation.Play() or have Play automatically ticked in the inspector on the animtion object, it gives me the follwing error: The animation state could not be played because it couldn't ...
koekeritis's user avatar
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How to blend motions with Mecanim

I'm struggling with Mecanim. My concern is to blend straight/turning animations with strafe animation for a humanoid character. I downloaded a SampleAsset from unity and took Ethan character as ...
Leggy7's user avatar
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How can I animate 2d sprite rotation without interpolation?

I would like to animate a weapon being swung in 2 frames - all I'm doing is changing the position and rotation of the weapon sprite. However, I don't want unity to interpolate the rotation (generate ...
Rohit Garg's user avatar
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Help with Chase AI? (Similar to Blue Demon)

all! I'm working on a chase ai / follow player script, for a 2D project of mine, I'm going for something similar to Blue Demon where an integer value controls what enemy is on screen, and can be ...
スカイラー's user avatar
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Unity3D: Rotating the head and an animation gets clashed

A rigged generic models head keeps rotating to follow the camera. When there is an animation like shaking the head, the head animates weirdly as compared to without rotation. Is there anyway to fix it?...
MrRobot9's user avatar
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Rect Position doesn't reset if animation is canceled

I have a text component that displays a text with an animation. If I disable the GameObject while the animation is running, the Rect Transform doesn't reset to the original position, which makes the ...
Milen Pivchev's user avatar
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Animation with pivot-modification in Mecanim

Assume I have two animation cycles: Walking Crouching Both assume that the model's pivot is on the same level as the model's feet. Now I also have two animated transitions: Get on all fours while ...
Thomas Hilbert's user avatar