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What is Sprite Kit capable of? [closed]

I am messing around with Game Maker in my free time. I learned some Java at school but never really understood the object oriented principles. When I got to know Game Maker I was surprised that game ...
user148013's user avatar
3 votes
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Gamepad support for OSX [closed]

What is the most common method for providing gamepad support in an OS X game? I've been using an IOHIDLIB wrapper named DDHIDLib and it seems to be working but I ...
Brendan Miller's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

OpenGL blending (masking)

I need some help with OpenGL textures masking. I have it working but need to find some other blending function parameters to work in other way. Now I have: ...
Julius Petraška's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Drawing multiple Textures as tilemap

I am trying to draw a 2d game map and the objects on the map in a single pass. Here is my OpenGL initialization code ...
DocJones's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

Can Xcode be used to create very simple games?

I am brand new to Xcode, and I am also brand new Objective-C programmer. I was wondering if it is possible to create simple Mac games with Xcode. If it's not possible, could you recommend me some ...
CocoaCoder's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

What resources are available for Mac OS game development?

Are there are any modern resources on how to develop games for Mac OS? I suppose this would include objective c, cocoa and opengl 3+. The book Beginning Mac OS X Game Development with Cocoa looks ...
Nick Sonneveld's user avatar