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GLFW Fullscreen OS X in LWJGL 3

How does one create a fullscreen window properly in OS X from the code, instead of just expanding into the current desktop? I am referring to the sort of fullscreen window that one gets when the top-...
Lucien's user avatar
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glGenArrays - This functionality is not available

Whenever I call glGenVertexArrays(), I get the following exception: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalStateException: This functionality is not ...
Lucien's user avatar
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Why do I get "function not supported" exceptions for OpenGL 3.2 functions using LWJGL?

I am currently having an issue trying to initialize a frame buffer using LWJGL. When I try to call GL32.glFramebufferTexture(int, int, int, int) it throws a "Function is not supported" error. I have ...
OstlerDev's user avatar
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Can't get LWJGL lighting to work

I'm trying to enable lighting in lwjgl according to the method described by NeHe and this post. However, no matter what I try, all faces of my shapes always receive the same amount of light, or, in ...
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