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Publish to folder equivalent for a desktop GL project with visual studio Mac 2019

I'm not home so the only computer I have access to is a Macbook, and now I would like to see how I could pack up projects to export for various platforms. But when I build my project it only produce a ...
Louis BERTRAND's user avatar
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Monogame pipeline couldn't load Xamarin.Mac

I Try to use my ContentProcessor, which I wrote on a Linux machine, on a Mac but it crashes with an unexpected failure. The Pipeline Tool gives me the following It seems to be a problem with the ...
Bongo's user avatar
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2 answers

How can I take ingame images and videos?

I’m using MonoGame and Visual Studio Community on my Mac to develop a game for iOS. I want to take ingame images and videos of the gameplay while the game is running on an iPhone/iPad. Afterwards, I ...
Joe Driver's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Unity assembly files missing from "Temp/bin/Debug"

I'm trying to use VS Code on a Mac with Unity and C#. When I try to open a Unity project in VS Code, it can't load Assembly.dll* files from few locations which are defined by default in .csproj files; ...
lukasz's user avatar
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8 votes
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Problem getting information about running processes with .GetProcesses() in Unity3D on OS X

I was going to ask this on Unity Answers, but I keep getting an error when trying to get to the site so thought maybe you guys could help. I've also tried the Unity3d subreddit and didn't manage to ...
spectralbat's user avatar
-1 votes
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How can I use a Unity C# script simultaneously in a non-Unity Linux program?

I have a C# script inside a Unity project. I'd to both keep using the script in this Unity project, and to use it to compile a non-Unity Linux daemon. So I would basically need to create a new ...
o0'.'s user avatar
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3 answers

MonoGame Mac installation instructions [closed]

Does anyone know how to install MonoGame on Mac. I have been looking around for a while and I can't find any guides. I have Mono and MonoDevelop up and running fine, but I cannot figure out how to ...
user1150769's user avatar