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Changing scene baked lightmap according to the time of day

I need a dynamic light view in a mobile game without losing any performance. So I thought to resort to baking the light, but I'll lose the light dynamic feature. And now I have a time system that ...
Ahmed Dyaa's user avatar
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Black terrain when baking lightmap in Unity URP

I'm trying to bake a lightmap of my level in Unity URP. I've fixed issues with other objects; only the terrain remains. It just remains black, no matter what I do. It is checked as static and to ...
Dekash's user avatar
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Why does my "Game" tab show images with grayish/wrong colors while my "Scene" tab correctly shows images with correct colors in Unity?

I create a Unity project. The "Scene" tab shows the image with the correct colors. But, the "Game" tab shows the image with a grayish colors, which are the wrong colors. Here is ...
Job_September_2020's user avatar
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Baked lightmaps in SceneA, at runtime loaded SceneB from SceneA: lighting is now messed up in untouched SceneB. Only in Editor!

I'm using Unity, and in my MainMenu scene I made most objects static and baked some lightmaps. I built the game, clicked on a button in MainMenu which ...
Tudvari's user avatar
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Baked shadows look different when camera post-processing is on/off

Sooo... basically title. I have no idea what's going on here. I don't think I've seen this kind of behavior before, or perhaps I did but I can't remember it. Any idea on what's happening here? Couldn'...
YoshGJ's user avatar
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2 votes
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Seams on tiled wall after lightbaking in unity

I spent several days now trying to fix the seams in my unity scene whenever I hit the lightbaking button. My setup is a wall out of different parts created in blender and then stitched together in ...
Carolin Köhn's user avatar
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How to get rid of these seams on the lightmap? ( Unity )

The wall is made of blocks of identical wall models with the same UVs. How to get rid of these seams on the lightmap? How I made this scene with this models: I made 3D model of the wall element in ...
White Raven's user avatar
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Where does this orange tint come from after baking LightMap?

My settings: Unity version - Unity 2021.1.12f1 Lightmap Lighting Mode - Bake indirect Render Path - URP All Objects in Scene are marked as static. If you move objects aside, then under them there is ...
White Raven's user avatar
0 votes
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How not to multiply real time and bake shadows? (Unity)

I have one Light Source ( Directional Light ) with Mixed Mode. Lighting Mode in Lighting Window I seted to Subtractive. What the problem looks like How I would like the shadows to blend. How to ...
White Raven's user avatar
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Unity baked light messes up a set of objects

On a few objects I use a technique where instead of using geometry, I place planes with a Cutout Material on top of each other, creating a 3D illusion with minimal cost. The thing is, it looks great ...
505Legion's user avatar
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Baked lightmap: Parts of scene appear too dark

I'm having trouble setting up global illumination in my Unity 2021.1.1 URP project Parts of my scene are appearing completely dark, I'm only using directional light and area light on the windows, here'...
denis's user avatar
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Baked lightmap errors in adjacent polygons

Everything seems to work great, but in some parts of my model I get shadows like this If I look at the light map, it looks bad: What is the best approach to solve this issue? Here my light settings:
Blasco's user avatar
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After baking my lights again in Unity, my character is black?

I had to re-bake my scene several times before getting the look that I wanted. This last time, the scene looks great, but my characters are now very dark and the playable character is completely black....
hatinacat2000's user avatar
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Unity - Global illumination seems no longer applied to static objects on runtime

First of all I'm newbie with Unity, so please forgive me if the answer of this question is obvious for any experimented developer. So, in one of my project I have this result while I run the project ...
Jean-Milost Reymond's user avatar
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Baked vs realtime global illumination in unity

I use unity. So far I know that the baked GI is less GPU processing when the game is played so if possible, I need to use baked GI. Newbie question: I'm using unity and just curious in the light ...
andio's user avatar
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Unity3D : Creating & Sharing light-baked levels without updating the game

I want to give myself freedom to add more levels after releasing the game. For creating levels I broke down structure and created a tilemap like a structure. here's an example : I will add them up ...
videogamechef's user avatar
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Unity - Load Lightmaps at Runtime

I'm a bit of a novice to lighting, but I think what I want to do is possible, so please bear with me. Due to the nature of my game, I've taken an approach where a singular scene ...
lase's user avatar
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Setting up Lightprobes

Moving around lightprobes requires using the movetool and all you really can do is move them along global axes and copy paste. There are no functions to scale, rotate, Snap to a surface, not even ...
AzulShiva's user avatar
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Lightmapper artifacts

I really don't understand why this is creating these kinds of artifacts. I'm starting to think something is wrong with Unity. There are clearly no overlapping faces on the Model. There is enough of a ...
AzulShiva's user avatar
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Resolution problems with global illumination in Unity

I am pretty new to Unity and after hours of searching I have finally figured out how to set everything up for (baked) global illumination to work for my model. However the model is an export from a ...
oliver's user avatar
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Strange artifacts in Unity Lightmaps

I experienced this weird lightmapping bug in my game that causes some models to have glowing artifacts on their surface. These artifacts "move" around, when I edit the UVs of the model in Blender, so ...
Enrico Ludwig's user avatar
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Do meshes marked "shadows only" require light maps to block light?

I want to use an .fbx mesh to block light from entering a room (except for holes cut for windows). The mesh itself must stay invisible. I know marking it "shadows only" will hide it from the camera, ...
hatinacat2000's user avatar
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How to import a texture to be used as occlusion map?

The same way normal maps need to be imported as "Normal map" in the import settings, how should I setup an Ambient Occlusion texture to correctly work? I've been searching around in the manual and ...
40detectives's user avatar
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How to do lighting for endless runner game?

I have been working on a endless runner game for a month now and have to do basic lighting. In my game Player moves forward and world is being generated according to player position. So the positions ...
Saad Anees's user avatar
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Unity point light baking into lightmap

I'm developing a puzzle with a ball with cracks on it. Inside the ball there's a point light. Its light rays come out of the cracks and hit some platforms (walls/ceiling/floor). To solve the puzzle ...
Daniel Marques's user avatar
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Errors when baking lights in unity3d

So, i'm developing a game in unity and avoided baking lightmaps untill now ( i just assembled my new workstation setup wich is capable of baking the lightmaps and not the computer ). And now i have ...
czyngis's user avatar
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Baking lights causes weird seams on meshes. How to avoid it?

I'm trying to bake lightning in the simple scene with some imported geometry. The result is weird seams near the edges of the meshes even there is no free space between them. How to avoid it and just ...
wooden_coder's user avatar
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How can I make tree foliage work with baked lighting?

I have an issue in Unity where my trees are black and it seems to be due to the fact that I'm using baked lighting in my scene. Luckily, it seems that I'm not the only one who's experienced this. I ...
GDP2's user avatar
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2 answers

Proper indoor lighting without directional light

I would like to know how to properly handle indoor lighting without a directional light. My scene has a room( its some kind of shop), in which the player and ai-agents can move around. I can get good ...
dkerm's user avatar
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3 answers

How to make neon lightning effect in unity 3d

How can i Create Neon Lighting effect in unity 3d , so i have 2d scene and i want the rect to glow like neon
Kartik's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

FPS drops when I maximize the game tab in Unity Editor

I have a simple unity scene with some primitive objects like cubes and spheres. Most of the objects are static and I made backed GI for lighting, The light is a point light. I also used unity post-...
Emad's user avatar
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How to make non-static gameobjects brighter?

I placed non-static gameobject in the scene. Look at this picture: You can see the lighter, but it's too dark, way darker than others. The only difference between the lighter and the other objects ...
modernator's user avatar
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Baking artifact in Unity

I am using unity 2017.1.0 f3, Enlighten baking, with Generate lightmap UV ticked in import settings. Also the object has prioritized illumination and the light map resolution is high. An example of ...
Nithin Jose's user avatar
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in unity, lightmap comes out blurry on android device

as you see, shadow is blurred. (see the tree's shadow) What settings should I add?
mjk6026's user avatar
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Combined Mesh and Lightmap

I am using Unity 2017. The left picture is the original state. Light map applied. On the right is the state after all meshes are made into Combined Mesh. Same lightmap settings as left. As you can ...
mjk6026's user avatar
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Strange patterns on models with Unity Lightmap

To save performance and increase the details of static shadows I marked all static objects as static in my Unity Scene. Unfortunately there are now strange patterns on some of my models and I have no ...
Morph's user avatar
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Lighting, shader and GI is messing up the materials in Unity3D

Hello Guys I am not very sound with Unity3D Lightmapping. Currently I have a set of low poly items in my scene. Textures on my models are getting washed out. They totally look absurd. here is a ...
Adnan Nazir's user avatar
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Combine diffuse map and lightmap into one texture file

Working with Unity, I'd like to do some more memory optimization. Currently, my 3D models have a diffuse texture and a lightmap, both at the same resolution and compression. I was wondering if there ...
brain56's user avatar
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Why do I get white highlights at the edge once light build complete?

Whenever I build my lights in Unreal, why do I always get white highlights at the edges? I can't seem to solve this. I get this problem with both static and stationary lights. Can someone please help? ...
Kumaresan Sandran's user avatar
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lightmap equivalent with realtime shadow

i'm using in Unity free edition. I try to bake a lightmap which equivalent feeling with Unity's real time light map and shadowing, like left figure. But the result is the right figure. How can i ...
mjk6026's user avatar
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Unity - Loss of detailed shadows and shading marks on texture seams appearing after lightmap baking

I'm attempting to lightmap bake my scene and am running into the following problem - With the lights set to realtime, the shadows have a nice amount of detail in them and the lighting on the models ...
NIMBLE JIM's user avatar
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Weird squares everywhere

So in unity I have some weird squares on surfaces of certain objects, which are buildings represented by planes: I don't know what causes it, I tried changing some settings in lighting and material,...
John Smith's user avatar
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How do I properly light characters in a Unity scene?

I made a game prototype and want to improve some of rendering the visuals through light baking (which I'm new to). While I was mostly able to do this in my environiments, I'm having issues doing this ...
JSparks's user avatar
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What variables change the number of lightmaps

I need to know what changes the lightmap size. For example what changes the lightmap from being 2*1024*1024 to 4*1024*1024 - having larger textures or having larger quads (having more models) or ...
Milad Qasemi's user avatar
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Are lightmaps also considered textures?

I want my game to support phones with max texture size of 1024 so my texture atlases are 1024. My question is: are lightmaps also considered textures and their max size must be 1024? Or they can have ...
Milad Qasemi's user avatar
5 votes
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Lightmapped prefabs for procedural content

I'm doing a game with procedural content from handmade prefabs, but I ran into a problem as Unity bakes the scene instead of objects when lightmapping with Beast. So when the prefabs are instanced ...
Esa's user avatar
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Rendering lightmaps at runtime

I'm creating a procedural terrain system for Unity. And I'm looking for ways to efficiently cast self-shadows on it. If it wasn't procedural, I could simply bake a lightmap using Beast. But, I can't ...
Daniel's user avatar
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Lightmapping & runtime combine children

Is it possible to have lightmapping on runtime generated combine children in Unity? It is possible to bake combined meshes when they are done in the editor, but the .apk/.ipa size increases too much.
Esa's user avatar
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3 answers

How do I blend 2 lightmaps for day/night cycle in Unity?

Before I say anything else: I'm using dual lightmaps, meaning I need to blend both a near and a far. So I've been working on this for a while now, I have a whole day/night cycle set up for renderers ...
Timothy Williams's user avatar