Questions tagged [http]

Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is a network protocol for distributed hypermedia systems; it is most commonly known as the foundational protocol for the World Wide Web.

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1 answer

System.Net.Http.dll and Unity 2018.2.1, 2.2, 2.3 are conflicting, assembly reference keeps being deleted in VS 2017, any suggestions?

I'm looking for some suggestions on how to fix a strange bug i've been getting with For the record, builds work fine as i have the mcs.rsp file in the /Assets/ folder with "-r:...
Nilmag's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Why does the engine crash when I POST data to a server?

I am working on communications between my game and a cloud database. I'm working on the authentication part but when I try to pass data to the server in a POST the engine crashes. If I pass in a ...
Jason Crosby's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Godot and getting files via HTTP

So, I am wanting to use Godot to get a (binary) file using HTTP and then either save it or, even better, turn it into a Resource in memory that I can use. It'll be WAV files that I'm getting in ...
BevanFindlay's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Libgdx Networking (http requests) - Login [duplicate]

I am new to Networking and Databases, but im trying to learn MySQL and HTTP Requests to create a user Login for a game. My goal is to let users create accounts and login to them etc (for Highscores ...
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2 votes
1 answer

Sending POST data with WWW in Unity C#

I would like to use Unity's WWW class to send a an HTTP request with POST data. So in my server, my PHP script can do something like $number = $_POST["NUMBER"]; ...
Saturn's user avatar
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How to send data from Unity to Mailchimp

I have followed the WWWForm script reference to try to connect Unity with Mailchimp. According with the log, the form is sent without errors. Unfortunately Mailchimp did not stored any data. This is ...
chelder's user avatar
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1 answer

Is it necessary to use HTTPS for mobile game communication with server?

Based on information from my friends working at game studios, it seems most commercial mobile games are using HTTP instead of HTTPS for communication between the phone and the server, and I am ...
cr001's user avatar
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1 answer

Why is HttpClient failing in Unity?

Before starting, I know I can use the UnityWebRequest class instead. The problem is that it is another library the one that is failing: NEthereum's source code, which makes heavy use of the HttpClient....
Luis Masuelli's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

iOS 9.3.5 WebSocket connection always closes with code 1006

I'm working on an app that uses a LabVIEW implemented server on the backend that is proxied via apache. It works great on desktops and android devices but on iPhone and iPad the websocket connection ...
UnlikelyNomad's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

How to send an HTTP Request from an Unreal Blueprint?

I'm updating a little telemetry-logging blueprint that uses HTTP requests to log game events to a server. In the past, I've used the Fetch plugin for this, though it's currently listed as "Not ...
LudoProf's user avatar
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0 answers

How to implement SSL Pinning in Unreal Engine?

So, I am using FHttpModule to initialize my HTTP request and set different parameters to it. Like this : ...
Karan Bobade's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Why is the timer not calling the function?

I am trying to call a function every 30 seconds. I have used this before without issues so I'm not sure why it isn't working now. Any ideas? Has something changed in 4.24 maybe? .h I have tried both ...
Jason Crosby's user avatar
0 votes
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UnityWebRequest security

I have a game where I would like to register users and post the outcome of matches between two users through web requests in Unity but have some security questions regarding ...
Kevin Adams's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Why do I get syntax error: identifier FHttpRequestPtr

I'm trying to add HTTP requests to my game and everything compiles fine until I try to set up a delegate for when the response is ready. Adding this function causes the compiler to fail for syntax ...
Jason Crosby's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How to download material files (including shaders) from external source on runtime?

My game has a lot of different materials, shaders and textures. When a bunch of players are dropped into the same game, I want those assets to be loaded from an external source instead of being built ...
Yeats's user avatar
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1 answer

AudioSource not working. Empty Exception

I'm trying to load and play an wav file that exists in my Application.dataPath but when the game gets to the line ...
Raphael Rosa's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

WWW(Unity) with HTTPS on Android not working

I'm using a native android plugin my team made for communication with a server, and as it uses HTTPS I use a certificate with it. Everything's fine with that, the problem is that, in Unity, when I try ...
César Augusto's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Trigger scene loading in one device from another device using Unity WWW class

I have a master device and client device. I want to load a scene in the client device by pressing a button in the master. My method is, when the button is pressed in the master device, a data is ...
Neerkoli's user avatar
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Downloading 10 images and storing their data with WWW

I would like to download 10 images, and store their texture data into my list. I don't really know how to do that - I heard that for this you use the WWW class, so I went: ...
Saturn's user avatar
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Unity HTTP webrequest is very slow on localhost

I'm working on an online game on my computer localhost. to do this I use Xampp. Anyway, my problem is that the UnityWebRequests ...
iman_sh's user avatar
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Incorporating HttpSession into libGDX communication

I wrote my server-side code prior to learning libGDX and writing my client-side code. provides for the http get communication I designed for, except for session authentication. I say that ...
RocketScienceGuy's user avatar
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How to send data from libgdx project to web?

I would like to work on moving the json data from libgdx to my web server, but I am not sure how to do it. The method below was created by referring to libgdx's documentation. ...
Beginner's user avatar
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0 answers

How can I send a Base64 Image?

I'm looking to make a post request with a base64 image. When I make the request, I get an error called "ERROR_IMAGE_SIZE_0" ...
IfaBoss's user avatar
0 votes
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POST JSON method does not work when project has been exported to WEBGL and uploaded to firebase hosting

I have a database set up on firebase and when i run my game in the unity edtitor and as a standalone exported Windows .exe file, the call gets made correctly to the database and JSON data gets posted ...
AC007's user avatar
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from unity, how do I set up timer for c# httprequest?

so I'm trying to make a internet connection with c# using unity, and what I want to do is make the client to connect to the site, and load the data. but there are cases there's lag, or weak ...
sol-invictii's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How to use NoSQL REST API of Gamesparks in my Unity project? [closed]

Gamesparks has a documentation of the API but I am not sure how to send https requests to use that API.
Ali Burak Kulakli's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Network Communication For Multi-Player Turn-Based Game

I'm attempting to develop a multi-platform turn-based game that [I suspect] follows the general client-server pattern. For this question, let's assume I only care about communications inside of a "...
ZackDeRose's user avatar