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Unity. Input in function for UI button OnClick

I am trying to create multiple selections for some items on my UI. To perform multiple selections of items I want a user to hold left control button. But then I add ...
Random generalist's user avatar
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(How exactly to use EventSystem?) Assigning string Name to UI Button in Unity without CrossPlatformInput?

I'm trying to make a new game for Android. There is a Jump button i've added as UI button , this works fine as I have a method for Jump() which I can just add to the OnClick() method in the Button's ...
Big T Larrity's user avatar
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How to only allow one space in an InputField?

I've been messing with this for a while now and I can't get this to work 100%. I'm using an InputField for players to enter a character name, and I want to allow a first and last name. Here's how I've ...
Adariel Lzinski's user avatar