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What size should i use for my game design?

i am currently working on a android game by using libgdx and i am designing graphics with ps for it. I want my game looks the same quality for different screen sizes but i dont know in which size ...
Hebun's user avatar
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How can I display an image larger than the screen and allow the user to scroll to see more? [closed]

I am new to development and trying to understand my options. I have found no info or threads on this idea so I was hoping some of you folks could weigh in. When developing for Android, I know that ...
Kate's user avatar
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App: My game is ugly. Advice on making it less ugly [closed]

Following is the main screen you see when you start the app. After touch, you get directed to the two options. You can either start from the last puzzle you solved or select from the list This is ...
Tofu_Craving_Redish_BlueDragon's user avatar