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How to efficiently instantiate large amount of GameObject?

The topic with the same title here How to efficiently spawn & render many cube prefabs for a voxel world? is actually asking about efficiently rendering. Assume I need to instantiate a lot of ...
Suratraak's user avatar
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ECS index data structure

I'm implementing an Entity-Component-System library based on simple dense array approach (using huge arrays for every component field with the size equal to the number of entities, where array[entity] ...
Andrew Kravchuk's user avatar
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In C#, is there any performance reason to implement ECS?

The formal ECS specification was developed to address gaming in a JavaScript environment. In any C# translation, this implies all of the classes' members must be public. My concern is that too many ...
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Is an ECS system without a traditional ECS memory layout a bad idea? [closed]

I've got a background in C++ but completely new to game dev, Unreal, and ECS. Recently, I learned about ECS and fell in love with the resulting project structure and theoretical reduction of spaghetti ...
mrg95's user avatar
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Should state and behavior be combined for Buffs? Cannot decide between data-driven and OOP approach

I'm writing a 2D roguelike that uses an Entity Component System and I'm having trouble deciding between the traditional OOP approach versus a data-driven approach to implementing buffs and debuffs. ...
Ryan Peschel's user avatar
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Efficient communication between entities using ECS via entt

To avoid confusion about the ECS terms I'll use, I explain them here quickly. I use entt terminology and set-up my architecture like this: Entity: is only an id (...
mrzo's user avatar
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Entity component system implementation choices

user129417's user avatar