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Best practices for treating Light Volumes in Deferred Lighting pipeline

This topic is about ways to handle light volumes in a deferred lighting pipeline. I currently have a deferred lighting pipeline where spheres are sent to an openGL GLSL lighting shader. The sphere ...
slexov's user avatar
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unsmooth blending with deferred shading and light volumes

So I implemented deferred Shading with a single full screen light pass (picture 2) (by passing the light-data as an array to the shader) and deferred shading with point light volumes (picture 1) (by ...
Sprinklerkopf's user avatar
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OpenGL deferred rendering, multiple FBO targets

so for a game I am developing I am giving a go at deferred shading. I have only implemented entity rendering and an initial deferred shader and rendering the scene using OpenGLs FBO multiple render ...
Matthew A Mattparks's user avatar
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Tiled deferred shading without compute shader

I'm building a deferred renderer and since I want to support a large amount of lights in the scene I've had a look at tiled deferred shading. The problem is that I have to target OpenGL 3.3 hardware ...
zeb's user avatar
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FAST position reconstruction from depth

I'm struggling a lot with reconstructing the world space position (or alternatively the view space position) from depth (by reading the depth buffer) in a performant way (in a full-screen post-process)...
Tara's user avatar
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Overlapping surfaces in deferred shader blend through one another

I've just finished implementing deferred shading into my engine, and noticed that when a large object overlaps another smaller object, it blends through it. For example, in this scene I have a large ...
Yattabyte's user avatar
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OpenGL (lwjgl) Frame Buffer Object GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT Not Being Written To

I am currently developing a deferred renderer for my game engine and I have to output multiple textures from my shader to my GBuffer. I have been struggling with getting multiple outputs from the ...
EpicM's user avatar
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Deferred rendering: camera inside point light's sphere of effect

I'm trying out deferred rendering and I'm using the tutorials at I've got the basics working and I'm currently trying to implement the final step from tutorial 37 (http://...
Lehooo's user avatar
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10 votes
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Why is it Important to have render targets with the same bit size?

I am currently thinking of what type of GBuffer I'll need for deferred shading, hence I tried also to document myself online about the most common ones and their format. Most of the GBuffer that I'...
cifz's user avatar
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Smooth seams and banding of overlapping lights in deferred rendering

I have finally managed to get on screen multiple lights with a deferred renderer, but the result is somehow disappointing. In particular I have severe banding problem Other than having clear banding ...
Puskas's user avatar
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Deferred Rendering With Diffuse,Specular, and Normal maps

I have been reading up on deferred rendering and I am trying to implement a renderer using the Sponza atrium model, which can be found here, as my sandbox.Note I am also using OpenGL 3.3 and GLSL. I ...
John's user avatar
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Screen space decals, converting world to decal space

I'm trying to do screen space deferred decals following the presentation made by Pope Kim about SSDs in WH40K: Space Marine (link). I've gotten to the point where I can render a decal if the bounding ...
Bentebent's user avatar
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Separate shader programs or branch in shader? [duplicate]

I have a bunch of point lights and directional lights. Instead of checking the light type in the fragment shader and then branch for either point light calculation or directional light calculation, is ...
KaiserJohaan's user avatar
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Material properties and deferred renderering

I'm using assimp to import 3d models, and each model defines a set of material properties as well, such as material diffuseColor, ambientColor, specularColor and emissiveColor. Where would I store ...
KaiserJohaan's user avatar
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Blank texture in Frame Buffer Object in Deferred Rendering

I'm running the tutorial 35 from, and it's so strange that the result is a blank screen. This tutorial is performing the first step of Deferred Shading, which means decoupling of ...
khanhhh89's user avatar
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Can Entities Have Their Own Shader In Deferred Rendering?

Since you need to use the general g-buffer shader to fill g-buffer, how can entities have their own shaders, like giving a box normal mapping feature ? As I remember, you can't use two shaders at the ...
deniz's user avatar
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Would I perform one pass per effect in Deferred Shading?

I'm implementing deferred shading the first time. Doing so I came up with a conceptual question. First I render the geometry in a framebuffer with muptiple rendering targets for depth, normals, and ...
danijar's user avatar
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