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Questions tagged [burst]

Burst is a compiler, it translates from IL/.NET bytecode to highly optimized native code using LLVM. It is released as a unity package and integrated into Unity using the Unity Package Manager.

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Preventing "pass through" situations properly when using ECS based collision detection

package versions I'm using: Entities: com.unity.entities Version 0.51.1-preview.21 Documentation URL:[email protected]/manual/index.html Physics: com.unity....
rasputin's user avatar
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Unity Burst Compiler failed — could not load System.Diagnostics.Tracing

I am using Unity 2023.3.f1 When building an Android app I get the following. I have zero idea what this means. I've tried searching elsewhere but found nothing to fix it. ...
theblitz's user avatar
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How to return an unknown amount of data from a parallel job? (C# Jobs + Burst)

Say we have a parallel job (implementing IJobParallelFor) which requires a large array (>100,000 items) as an input to do some complicated processing. After said ...
caleidon's user avatar
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C# Jobs + Burst executing slowly (bottleneck?)

I'm trying to make a system where the player can do a RTS-like drag-to-select of tiles in a box to mark trees to be chopped or ores to be mined. I'm testing this system on a large scale, possibly ...
caleidon's user avatar
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