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Questions tagged [bullet-physics]

Bullet is a professional, free 3D Game Multiphysics Library that provides state of the art collision detection, soft body and rigid body dynamics.

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0 answers

Custom Physics Engine::Impulse Based Contact Resolver::Facing Object crawling issue when doing Box vs Box Collision

I am trying to implement basic stable 3d physics engine, I was able to get collision phase working with SAT but when I am applying impulses on box vs box contact points, I face a crawling issue. ...
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1 answer

Issue with CompoundShape Scaling in BulletSharp/Assimp Integration

I’m trying to create a CompoundShape using BulletSharp and Assimp for my 3D physics engine. ...
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1 answer

Passing heightmap data to btHeightfieldTerrainShape constructor

I was searching for a couple of hours, but I didn't find final solution, after trying many ways. I'm trying to get heightmap heights data, and pass it to btHeightfieldTerrainShape. Let's say my ...
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2 answers

Bullet Physics stopping model from going through static object

Bullet physics tunneling problem: yellow box(dimensions: 2f, 2f, 2f) that falls under gravity. Its Bullet Physics are set as such: ...
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0 answers

Issue with Bullet3 contact points on triangle edges

I'm trying to build a character controller using Bullet3 with OpenGL. I currently have a kinematic body that uses a Ghost body to get all the manifold contacts. The issue I'm facing is in the ...
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0 answers

How to move a Rigidbody forward using Bullet Physics

I'm currently developing a character controller for my game framework, and I'm utilizing the Bullet Physics engine for the physics simulation. In the process of adjusting the velocity, I aim to enable ...
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1 answer

When should I call the physics simulation within the game loop?

I am thinking about where to call the physics simulation. The current situation is that I first update the entities and then the physics immediately before rendering. As you can see in the following ...
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2 answers

How to check if an AABB is colliding or the mesh itself

I have the following problem. I would like to check in bullet whether only the AABB collides or the mesh collider itself. Unfortunately I can't find out how to do this Within the screenshot you can ...
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0 answers

JBullet - Shoving around objects

Sometimes in video games the players can walk up to certain objects for example boxes and barrels and shove them around. How can I recreate this system? What function do I have to use to apply force ...
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0 answers

Bullet physics incorrect rotation with more than one axis

im try to integrate currently bullet into my game framework. But when i try to set the rotation for an rigidbody with more the 1 axis i recive the current result It looks that the rotation is ...
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2 answers

Bullet Physics Multi-threading Rigid Body transform jittering issues across threads

I've been working on a game using Bullet Physics for C++ as well as SDL for the windowing (with OpenGL) I've recently threaded the game, so that a separate while loop runs the Physics Simulation, ...
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1 answer

How does bullet physics filter 4+ contacts in GJK?

If the bullet GJK (Convex vs convex) collision algorithm has more than four penetrating points, then how is it filtering that down to the four it needs? What I've tried Staring at the code, but I get ...
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1 answer

Bullet physics linker error

I am trying to build my project in VS, which is a copy of HelloWorld.cpp provided by Bullet. I am getting a list of errors of sort "unresolved external symbol" when I build my project, ...
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1 answer

Maintain constant Y position value for a dynamic body

Something obvious is skipping my mind with Bullet Physics library, so apology in advance: I have a dynamic rigidbody, which I'd like to have its Y (up/down) coordinate to be at constantly at a certain ...
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1 answer

Bullet: btCollisionWorld::contactTest doesn't work

I added some boxes in a collision world, then use btCollisionWorld::contactTest to test if any box contact with a given sphere. Below is the code: ...
3 votes
3 answers

What torque should I apply in Bullet to maintain a vertical orientation?

I have a RigidBody in Bullet. Each frame, I want to apply torque to correct its orientation toward an upright position (i.e. near-zero pitch and roll). I know its ...
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2 answers

Understanding HingeConstraint in jBullet

I'm using the java port of BulletPhysics engine jBullet. I'd like to make a joints between 2 triangles so that one edge of the first and one edge of the seconds act like a hinge. But I don't ...
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1 answer

Having trouble with btGeometryUtil::isPointInsidePlanes

I'm in the process of parsing a BSP file to create btConvexHullShape objects for each brush. I've seen a few examples of how to do this on Github and they all use the getVerticesFromPlaneEquations ...
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1 answer

How do I create a HeightField in pybullet?

I've been looking for documentation on PyBullet, the python implementation of Bullet, but I haven't yet found a way to implement the btHeightfieldTerrainShape collision object, which I need to make, ...
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1 answer

Why does OnTriggerEnter2D/OnCollisionEnter2D work when there is no other collider object opposite?

my bullet: There is a Box collider (checked "is Trigger") It has Rigidbody2D (Gravity = 0, freeze rotation Z) I added the "OnTriggerEnter2D" ...
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1 answer

Raycasting in GameMaker Studio 2 to implement hitscan weapons?

I'm working on a 2D top-down shooter game in GameMaker Studio 2, featuring different weapons and obstacles all around the levels. Since I don't need a high degree of simulation, I'm implementing ...
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1 answer

How to detect all vertices within collision Area?

Using collision detection algorithms such as MPR (Minkowski Portal Refinement), GJK (Gilbert–Johnson–Keerthi distance algorithm), you can calculate the penetration depth in the collision. For 2 mesh ...
2 votes
1 answer

Simulation step size in a physics engine

I am trying to integrate a physics engine (Bullet) into my game engine, but I immediately found that I do not know how big should I make the simulation step. I think of 2 options: Use a fixed step ...
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0 answers

How can I make bodies that do not stick to the wall in Bullet Physics? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Physics engine recommendation which can simulate pool game correctly? I made a Billiards scene with Bullet Physics, but I've got a problem. When the ball is slowing down near ...
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1 answer

How to move a player on a sphere surface using Ammo.js and Three,js

I am moving a rigidbody (the character) on the surface of a sphere, like what is described here. I am facing the following issue that I am having hard time to solve: After moving the character, it ...
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4 answers

Calculate damage values from bullet velocity and size

I'm trying to make a top-down game using Javascript and Pixi which involves multiple different guns. Instead of giving each gun an individual damage value, I wanted to calculate the damage by the ...
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0 answers

LibGDX program crashing on on StepSimulation call

I am trying to add a Character Controller to a Discrete Dynamics World in Bullet via the LibGDX wrapper and everything seems to work, but when I attempt to update the world via the StepSimulation ...
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0 answers

How to create soft tires like in `Spintires`?

Here is an screenshot of a deformed tire in the game Spintires. I would like to achieve a similar effect in my game I'm using Bullet as the physics library, if that matters.
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1 answer

PyBullet & OpenGL - Rotations are reversed in OpenGL [closed]

Project description: I am writing a basic game engine to help with my PhD topic on multi-agent learning. I am using PyBullet as the backend physics engine and OpenGL for visual display. I have OpenGL ...
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0 answers

Subtract a circle on a rectangle - OpenGL

I am writing a game using GLFW, GLEW, GLM and Bullet3 in C++. Its a Maze with holes. I am doing the floor with rectangles (wich is 2 GL_TRIANGLES). I want to make some woles (circles), to the ball ...
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1 answer

Bullet Physics Invalid Pointer on Free

I'm writing a game engine in C++ with Irrlicht and Bullet Physics. All of my Irrlicht code works perfectly, but upon creating Bullet Physics objects with new, and later freeing them, my program throws ...
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1 answer

Bullet Physics Step Simulation Crash when maxSubSteps is not 0

I am using Bullet physics along with Irrlicht. My program consistently crashes when maxSubSteps is not set to zero when calling ...
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1 answer

Can't get basic example working with Bullet 3 (haxebullet port)

Example of my code: ...
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0 answers

Real-time 3D Scene-reconstruction into Physics Engine

I am trying to create a game where the user scans the room using RGBD camera and reconstructs 3D scene. This scene would be integrated into physics engine, after an object recognition algorithm tells ...
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0 answers

Bullet Physics stops detecting collision after a few steps

Let me start off by saying that the usage of Bullet here is slightly unconventional. I'm writing a server emulator for a game, and the server is only keeping track of the triggers, players and enemies....
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1 answer

bullet raycast vehicle - understanding coordinate system

Bullet world space coordinate system is the same as opengl world coordinate system. I have noticed that raycast vehicle has the following function: ...
2 votes
1 answer

Should your world map have it's own collision object?

I am attempting to understand collision detection at the moment. I have seen many examples of a simple flat plane with boxes or cubes which move around on the plane and react when the touch each other ...
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1 answer

Angle between character and mouse, and giving bullets velocity in the correct direction

I've been trying to work for a few days, on a little weapon system where you can aim with your mouse and shoot bullets in the direction you're aiming. This is all in 2D to be clear. Right now, I can ...
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1 answer

Soft Body rendering from OBJ model

As part of my master thesis I have to do an softbody simulation. I 'm using Bullet Physics engine. I'm trying to render softbody, create from Meshes, with Shaders in OpenGL but the object doesnt ...
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0 answers

Bullet Physics ignore collision from bottom

I'm currently using BulletSharp a wrapper for Bullet physics. I'm using Bullet Physics for a 2D project. Many platform games allow the player to pass through a platform as they jump upwards, and then ...
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0 answers

Bullet physics convex hull center of mass

I am trying to make a convex hull collider for bullet physics. I am using BulletSharp.CompoundShape and BulletSharp.ConvexHullShape. This is model of a chair in unity with rigidbody and convex mesh ...
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1 answer

Bullet Physics DebugDraw Unexpected Results

I'm integrating Bullet Physics into my project for collision detection and have just gotten some debug draw functionality to work. However, the results are not what I'm expecting. I have tried to draw ...
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0 answers

Bullet Physics StepSimulation really slow when smaller TriangleMeshShape is inside bigger BoxShape

I observed that bullet physics StepSimulation is very very slow when a rigidbody with a TriangleMeshShape is fully inside a rigidbody with a simple BoxShape. I noticed that when I move the ...
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0 answers

Solve Constraints with linear factor of 0 in Bullet Physics

In my code I need to set the linear factor for velocity to 0 (sometimes). For example, game->rigidBody->setLinearFactor(btVector3(0, 0, 0)); When this is done,...
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0 answers

btBvhTriangleMeshShape useQuantizedAabbCompression Crash

I use btBvhTriangleMeshShape for static world collision. Generally this works fine, but recently I have encountered situations where the construction of btBvhTriangleMeshShape would crash. In debug ...
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0 answers

Handling strange physics behaviour while sliding between coplanar surfaces

We've got a character setup based around manually resolving collisions, and we're using bullet to do so. Our characters have a kinematic rigidbody to push things around, but their movement and ...
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1 answer

Bullet Physics Integration - direct movement of rigid bodies

I'm adding bullet physics to my engine. The physics simulation bits are all working nicely, but one bit I'm struggling with is being able to move objects using their co-ordinates, and then have them ...
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1 answer

x-inverted obj importer in BulletSharp - what's wrong? [closed]

See [dead link removed] at the repository. Screenshot: [broken image removed] Left: bullet imported version, right: correct 3ds max version. It's somehow inverted. If you think that left part is ...
3 votes
1 answer

Integrating Bullet3 into a C++ project - Linking to libraries

I've been following the BulletQuickstart guide and I get as far as generating the vs2010 solution and converting to newer. I've also been following this very good answer from a few years ago and have ...
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2 answers

Detect when a bullet rigidbody is on ground

I have a rigidbody that is on top of a plane or another rigidbody. How do I check if said rigidbody is on top of it? I tried to check the Y-part of the velocity but it is never 0, it is always a ...