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How to move a Rigidbody forward using Bullet Physics

I'm currently developing a character controller for my game framework, and I'm utilizing the Bullet Physics engine for the physics simulation. In the process of adjusting the velocity, I aim to enable ...
Wagner Andreas's user avatar
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bullet character controller sliding down any slope gradient

I've been experimenting with the btKinematicCharacterController. I've seen very old complaints that it has issues but I can't find anything recent stating that these issues remain (and nobody ever ...
luminus's user avatar
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Moving the jBullet collision body to with the player object

I am trying to update the location of the rigid body for a player class, as my player moves around I would like the collision body to also move with the player object (currently represented as a cube)....
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What algorithms can I use for bullet movement toward the enemy?

I'm developing 2D strategy game. There are weapons that shoot at enemies. From what I've read in this, this, this and this post I think that I need linear algebra, but I don't really understand what ...
theateist's user avatar
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How can I make bodies that do not stick to the wall in Bullet Physics? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Physics engine recommendation which can simulate pool game correctly? I made a Billiards scene with Bullet Physics, but I've got a problem. When the ball is slowing down near ...
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