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What article discusses weightmaps for ai control? [closed]

A while back, I read an article on using weightmaps to control ai movement, particularly in an RTS environment. I can't find the article again, so perhaps someone here read it? I'm not asking for a ...
Bloodyaugust's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

'Unblock' / 'Yellow Out' game questions

I would very much like to build a game that is known as 'Unblock' or 'Yellow Out'. It is a puzzle game in which the task is to move a car out of a parking space by moving other cars in certain ...
pimvdb's user avatar
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7 answers

What are some Game Development Publications that accept outside articles [closed]

What Are some Game Development publications (electronic or otherwise) that aren't so large that there is no chance to potentially get included in the publication after a few well-written articles sent ...