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Questions tagged [ai]

The design and/or logic of how an in-game entity makes decisions about its behavior.

89 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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2 answers

NegaScout with Zobrist Transposition Tables in Chess

I'm trying to put Transposition tables into my alpha beta scout. I do see an incremental speed boost I think toward mid or late game, however, even with a table size of 1-2GB, its may or may not be ...
missCache's user avatar
5 votes
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How to target moving object in 2D game

I am working on targeting system for 2D game. Two objects move in space. Each one have Position and Velocity vector. Ship object shoots moving objects in space. Ship can shoot in any direction, but ...
Kacper Kleczewski's user avatar
4 votes
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Navigating an AI that shouldn't take the shortest path but the scenic route instead (e.g. fish)

I'm working on a sidescrolling game with an underwater "fish-like" AI that has some goals (interacting at various locations) and things to avoid (player). Started of with a Navmesh and ...
Paprik's user avatar
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How do I design a "Chores" or "Errands" system?

I have a number of entities running around in my game, and I am running into a headache trying to design and implement a system for them to both generate and assign the tasks. More than anything else, ...
Raven Dreamer's user avatar
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Approximating off-screen action efficiently in a simulation game?

I have a character building constructs all over a pretty large map. My game blends elements of RTS and fast paced action in a room-based environment where players can only see one room at a time. I ...
pixelpax's user avatar
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How to implement path-finding with a large number of blocking agents following similar paths?

I want to implement a demo like creeps laning in Dota 2. So for simplicity, there is Left team and Right team, they are enemies. Units from Left team move toward Right base, and units from Right team ...
KeNVin Favo's user avatar
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How to make multiple AI surround a player

I am working on a top-down RPG game and I have come across a problem. I am working on an AI system to allow the enemy AI to surround the player. I've been trying to keep my implementation really ...
Meeth's user avatar
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AI Agent realistic leap to a player in a MMO

In the last month I have been struggling with an issue, movement synchronization of a leap of an AI agent in a MMO. I know some theory and basic movement was not a problem with interpolation and stuff,...
Alakanu's user avatar
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Agent avoidance in 3D

I am currently trying to find some alogorithm for agent avoidance in 3D (or for simplicity, 2.5D could be enough). So far, I have been using variation of RVO - "Reciprocal Collision Avoidance" (C++ ...
Martin Perry's user avatar
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How do I implement wander behavior in GDX AI?

So I follow the original gdx-ai documentation and created 2 circles to test Steering behavior. The image shows arrival behaviour but I am still quite lost about how they work. Screen class: ...
tipsywacky's user avatar
2 votes
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Scheduler for Event Driven Behaviour Tree

The Behaviour Tree Starter Kit (BTSK) on GameAI Pro suggests using a scheduler for an event driven behaviour tree. To recap: A behaviour tree (BT) is traversed fully every time the root node is ticked ...
Ralph's user avatar
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What's the best strategy for incorporating jumps into a 3D AI navigation algorithm?

I'm trying to make a game centered around chase sequences in a 3D level with a high degree of verticality and movement options for the player. Basically think Breath of the Wild in an urban landscape ...
Austin Capobianco's user avatar
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AI in turn-based strategy

Which artificial intelligence architecture will work best in a turn-based strategy game. It is similar to the games from the Europe Universalis series. In the game it is possible to: create trade ...
twi's user avatar
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Any good pathfinding algorithm for lots of different speed zones? NavMesh seems not work

I have a terrain map with lots of different areas: roads, grass, swamp, forest, mountains. Each has different speed for the player. The map is continuous 3D map, not grids. Given a start & end ...
IlIlijl1Ili's user avatar
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Having difficulty integrating flow field with flocking algorithm

I have been tweaking my path-finding in my game for a while now, and it's mostly functional, but there are some major issues that are holding me up. I have a flocking algorithm implemented to help ...
Darin Beaudreau's user avatar
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How can I build Goal Oriented Action Planning within an Entity Component System?

I've been creating an interactive fiction game in javascript that uses an entity component system as described here. The problem I've encountered is in developing the AI system for the game. Ideally, ...
pigasus's user avatar
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How can I use iteration to lead targets?

In my 2D game, I have stationary AI turrets firing constant speed bullets at moving targets. So far I have used a quadratic solver technique to calculate where the turret should aim in advance of the ...
e100's user avatar
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1 answer

How to make AI Character move towards Actor Object

I have in my scene an AI Character and Actor Object, but the character won't move no matter what I've tried. You can see the current code with debug statements. I'm not sure what I'm missing because I'...
Robert the Bruce's user avatar
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Using physics to maneuver a spaceship through a point with a specific velocity

I've been tinkering with a space simulation. There are ships, and the flight code can modify the velocities and orientations of the ships directly, with limits for maximumSpeedChangePerSec (basically ...
HateDread's user avatar
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steering behaviors collision avoidance: vehicle shaking before arrive at destination

I have made a test sketch of collision avoidance using javascript, as you can see right here. I want the vehicle to move to the clicked location, avoiding obstacles on the way. It is working, but not ...
Ricardinho's user avatar
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Issue with Goal Oriented Action Planning (GOAP) and multiple preconditions

So I am working on an AI for my game using GOAP. I've been researching it for the past few days and while implementing it on my own I've ran into a problem. Here is a diagram of what I am doing. The ...
London Bowen's user avatar
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Implementing complex AI in an ECS?

I'm having a hard time wrapping around how something quite stateful such as complex AI would be handled in a pure ECS (such as components being only data and systems operating on that data) Things ...
Grant Upson's user avatar
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How to adjust a path to avoid collisions with moving obstacles inside a nav mesh?

I'm writing a script for a bot and I'm a little bit stuck. There's a game, there's a player (me) and I want to get from point A to point B. I can find the path via bot's API (it returns a ...
FelisManulus's user avatar
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A system that figure out the fastest (not shortest) navigation method between points for 2D spaceship with 2 axes propulsion

I am working on a space themed game with space being a 2D pane. The player issue order by clicking on the coordinate for his/her ship to navigate to a certain point on the pane. The player ship can: ...
Saranpat Thanadsornsarn's user avatar
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RTS Pathfinding without collision between units Options

Ever since I made my units move to a certain location a problem has popped up that of course if I try to make two or more units go to the same place they fight for the same spot. Am I just being ...
Kiyo's user avatar
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Most efficient way to recalculate enemy A* path on the fly?

I'm working on implementing a more robust pathfinding algorithm for the enemies in my top-down shooter game, and I have the A* algorithm working, but now I need to decide when to calculate the path. ...
Darin Beaudreau's user avatar
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Player Ai for games involving scoring goals like soccer, hockey, basketball?

I've been working on a soccer game, and was thinking of different ways to program player AI's and was wondering how they actually work. The concept is probably similar to all games where there are ...
Kaizer Sozay's user avatar
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Using MCTS in Unreal Engine

I have been making a turn-based board game in UE4 and have come to the point of making a first pass on the AI. I planned to use Monte Carlo Tree Search but this requires you to make (at least) one ...
CanISleepYet's user avatar
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Is there an established way to create a 2D XY NavMesh in Unity?

Specifically, one in the empty space between colliders, rather than on an XZ plane (more or less) over the surface of a collider? Specifically this is because I have a drone, in a current project, ...
Michael Macha's user avatar
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C++ text based football -- lookup table and AI logic help

I am trying to develop a one-player text based football game in C++ strictly in the console without graphics. I am developing the game logic here below vs the CPU and I also need to do the vice versa (...
celtics33's user avatar
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How to express AI area ownership?

Situation: Big open world-ish level Different types of real estate: Houses including some land around it Just houses without land Flats on different floors How to express AI ownership of any of ...
Sir's user avatar
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Problems With Duplicated AI

I am having a problem with making duplicates of my AI. When one is within range, it performs normally. If two are in range, then they both freeze up. The AI are direct duplicates of each other. I don'...
vex's user avatar
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Behaviour trees and agent sensors

Assume I have a behaviour tree like the following: [A] / | \ [B] [C] [D] A = Selector (Priority node) B = Perception task C = Idle task D = Walk to point ...
brazorf's user avatar
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Best approach to smooth pathfinding for 2d top down game LibGDX

I'm trying to make a buddy ai that follows the player (being controlled by you) around and at the moment it works but when I add collision detection it doesn't work very well when the buddy hits an ...
Moulie415's user avatar
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TBS Shooter targeting AI

I have some experience in developing all sorts of (small) games using Unity3D, I have a few personal game projects and I also work for a small game studio. The only subject in game development that I'...
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Efficient way of training a chabot AI

I am currently working on a chatbot game using Python 2.7.10. I use the Chatterbot library. This library seems to do all I need but the training data (or corpora) are very very limited. I haven't ...
Sorade's user avatar
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Transposition Table/Alpha-Beta Implementation

I got the following problem. I have implemented transposition tables, which seem to work well or at least I can not see they are not working. Additionally, I wanted to implement some move-ordering. ...
Peng1993's user avatar
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Examples about how to tie AI actions to animations?

I wrote a simple test AI for a character; and all that it should do is to be idle while a parameter is below threshold; otherwise it should perform actions based on other parameters. So for example <...
rataplan's user avatar
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Tip on turn based game AI

I'm quite new in video game AI, and I'm trying to design an AI for a turn based game. The rules are simple: The battle field is represented by an NxM board. The game is between two team, each team ...
GGC's user avatar
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Why BlackBoardValue Says Invalid And False? UnrealEngine4

Think my ai do not move towards the sound because of the blackboard keys , one says invalid and another says false , i think that is the reason.... Enemy Ai should move to the location where sound is ...
nirmal's user avatar
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Best way to solve the game 'bricolage'

I am trying to solve the following game using some kind of AI. The target of this game is to finally clear the board by clicking on groups of at least 3 bricks of the same ...
maggie's user avatar
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Algorithm for potential fields

Rather than computing potential fields in a grid and performing a lookup for them, I've decided to query the potential fields at a given point in 3D space by simply querying all the objects in a ...
DeadMG's user avatar
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When attaching AI to a vehicle should I define all steps or try Line of Sight?

This problem is related to an intersection simulation I am building for university. I will try to make it as general as possible. I am trying to assign AI to a vehicle using the JMonkeyEngine ...
ThorDivDev's user avatar
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Turn Based AI Algorithm (Small Board, Two Steps)

This is my Game-Board: -> The Red Balls are the AI-Controlled Actors. -> The Blue Balls are the Player-Controlled Actors. -> The Yellow Cells are the locations, from which the Red Balls can attack. ->...
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BehaviourDesigner Runtime Squads for new Formations

I'm struggling to make a new "Squad" at runtime from group selection to move in BehaviourDesigners Formations. The code for what I've done but this would turn this question into a novel, so.....
akaBase's user avatar
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Convert new position into a velocity?

Still trying to fix my enemy's bugs. The current one is that Im using a step system that moves the enemy towards a certain position like this: ...
Pow's user avatar
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NavMesh Runtime Generation In Specific Areas

Unity allows the runtime generation of NavMesh surfaces with the Unity.AI.Navigation package through the BuildNavMesh method. However, this function re-bakes the entire NavMesh in the current scene, ...
Alec McKay's user avatar
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Why are the transform game objects moving away from the snail when they are swapping their direction?

I am making a game in which I created a character (main player) and another character(snail). Now the snail will move on the ground, when there is no ground detected it will change its direction. I ...
gamePlay's user avatar
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applying gravity breaks entirely this AI movement code

I'm calling this function every 0.078 seconds so about at 13 fps using a timer connected to _ready() this way my game can easily run over 400 enemy units with ...
Cei's user avatar
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Does Unity have any automated parameter tuning?

I have parameters like -detect enemy range -firing range -coverage zone width -etc. for a dodgeball game and ideally would like to run the game over and over until I get the highest win rate against ...
mLstudent33's user avatar