Questions tagged [3d-meshes]

Geometric representations of objects in 3 dimensions. 3D-meshes are made up of a collection of triangles or other polygons, forming volumes and surfaces. They are commonly used for visual representations on computer screens.

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Realtime rendering using a ray tracing engine

I want to render an object that has a mesh with one million hexagonal elements(100 * 100 * 100). Lights, shadows and textures is not important and each element has a solid color. and finally, the ...
Kayhan Asghari's user avatar
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What is the best way to store meshes or 3d models in a class

I am wondering, how I should store my mesh into memory after loading it from whatever file. I have Questions floating in my head: Should a mesh could have sub meshes or does the 3d model just store ...
Robse's user avatar
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How to handle overlapping meshes?

So I want to note that I am a beginner at game dev but an okay coder. I wish to make a game in which the character changes clothes. I have a character and a few clothing meshes that all have the exact ...
isa türk's user avatar
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How to inflate and deflated an object?

I'm trying to find a way to make an object inflated/deflated in Unity, So I can change parameters via script and control a range of 0-100% inflation. I have seen that there is a way to get this exact ...
omer simchoni's user avatar
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OpenGL only rendering 4 tris of cube?

I'm on Win10, OpenGL 4.5 I wrote some code that takes mesh data from an OBJ file and puts it into a vertex buffer. I used this code to import a cube OBJ and render it in OpenGL. For some reason, ...
sunsigil's user avatar
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Is there a way to normalize for both ways in Unity?

I have a building, built in blender, that has been imported to Unity. And I flipped every necessary piece and calculated the normals inside in blender. However, since I made the rooms inside the ...
Zett's user avatar
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How do you combine multiple meshes into one in Blender?

I need to combine multiple meshes into one in Blender 2.8 (Just make them into a single mesh that looks like all of them in their normal positions). I am doing this mostly for performance improvement ...
ringMaster's user avatar
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My vertex cache for reusing vertices in marching cubes algorithm in unity fails for one case, but I cant figure out what case

I implemented the marching cubes algorithm in unity and wanted to reuse vertices instead of creating new ones for every triangle. I am looping through a 3D array of points as I generate the mesh in ...
Carter Schmidt's user avatar
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Model gets distorted when rotating the camera

I'm currently developing my own 3d graphics engine and I'm having a hard time figuring out why my 3D models gets distorted when rotating the camera around. This is my projection matrix. I'm following ...
Joao Pedro Braz's user avatar
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Is there a way to specify normals as per-face instead of per-vertex in Unity?

The documentation says that mesh.normals are assigned to vertices, not triangles. I've got a somewhat detailed mesh where faces are joining at right angles. If ...
Chuck's user avatar
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How to make my model's top section rotate without rotating the entire model?

I'm trying to learn a bit of Maya modeling so that I can be self sufficient when it comes to creating super basic assets for my game development. I'm trying to understand skeletal rigging and how it ...
Ryan's user avatar
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Why is my spherecast returning an incorrect hit on mesh collider?

I have a mesh collider that is largely a flat plane facing up. Any SphereCast against that surface should return a normal of Vector3(0, 1, 0), but that isn't always happening. When near an edge on the ...
IanLarson's user avatar
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3D scanners that captures movement?

Could there be a 3D scanner that captures movement? One that scans, let us say, 30 times per second (for 30 fps) to make an animated 3D scene? Is this possible? Why? Suppose we want to scan a person ...
David's user avatar
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In Maya- how can I merge mulitple primitive cubes together into one parent item? (And is this actually needed for using in unity etc)?

Im trying to make some 3d models in Maya and then put them into Unity as characters which I can give rigidbody to etc. (Im new to Unity and 3d modelling software, but i have a small amount of ...
Big T Larrity's user avatar
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What methods are there to discard points on one side of a surface but not the other?

Goal: Given a surface mesh (terrain), discard all points above a given elevation relative to the terrain. The terrain can change quite often due to tiling and LODs, so the point culling will need to ...
Nick McCowin's user avatar
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how to dent & deform damaged objects in unreal engine?

I am trying to simulate damages in cars using unreal engine when a body collides with it like it is done in this video - I am trying to do it in the first person shooter ...
malreddysid's user avatar
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Simulate dirt spread (Normal distribution?)

-This question is technically more math related, but it has to do with a simulation so I am here first. I can post this in the math SE instead if needed. I am in the process of trying out some mesh ...
Mungoid's user avatar
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Mesh/Path reduction to simulate traveled path to target

I generate that kind of mesh during runtime to display the path to follow to a target (think at something like the path your GPS shows you when you are travelling): I need to reduce the displayed ...
lvictorino's user avatar
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How can I delete parts of a mesh in Unity?

I am trying to make a destructible game environment; I want to delete the vertices (and triangles assorted to them) within some sphere of a given radius with its center at the contact point (in ...
GuPe's user avatar
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What happenes if you leave out buffers for the inputassembler that the vertex shader expects?

I'm working through my first attempt at a "graphics engine" (I use the term loosely as I'm not aiming for much more than something that will display a few meshes). I want to leave my classes as ...
ThisHandleNotInUse's user avatar
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How to handle mesh update in its vertex buffer

suppose i have a mesh, it can undergo any kind of changes - bend, stretch, even been torn. How should i update vertex buffer in DirectX for this mesh. For now i recreate it every time, and i don't see ...
Yola's user avatar
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Algorithm that cover one mesh by another mesh

Suppose I have two meshes (Let call me first MeshShirt and second - MeshBody) Meshes are aligned (if i render both MeshShirt "covers" MeshBody). But some parts of the body are not "under" the ...
Daiver's user avatar
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Looking for a full featured C/C++ UV Mesh Unwrapper [closed]

My first question! Is there an open source C++/C piece of code easy to integrate to solve the UV Unwrapping of arbitrary meshes out there ? I would like to use it to build a light mapper or similar ...
Dario Pelella's user avatar
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Drawing transparent and opaque 3D objects. How do I preventing z-fighting?

I am using a transparent weighted average algorithm to draw my transparent objects. The transparent object is drawn with the following notable render states (the rest are default XNA values): ...
user1423893's user avatar
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Converting many faces to single mesh and reduce poly-count in Blender

I'm not so familiar with 3D modelling, and I'm stuck on a simple task in Blender. I have a fairly complex model that's been imported as a .DAE file from SketchUp. This model is composed of many ...
Alex's user avatar
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Blender to 3ds max to cal3d format

There are quite a few questions on cal3d but they are old and don't apply anymore. In Blender(must be 2.49a for python script to work!!!): I have a scene with 7 meshes, 1 armature, 10 bones. I tried ...
Kaliber64's user avatar
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Problem when animating MD5 model (GPU Skinning)

I'm trying to implement a GPU skinning version of the md5mesh.js by @tojiro (demo with CPU skinning) in WebGL (live demo of the project here, use WASD to move the camera around). The main concept is ...
mikidelux's user avatar
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Maya .IFF plugins for Gimp

Maya's preferred format for saving off a UV Snapshot is its own .IFF format, so I was hoping to find a plugin allowing Gimp 2 (Windows) to read it. I've found plenty of plugins for different linux ...
Kara Marfia's user avatar
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Tilemap vs terrain vs optimized mesh for top-down game

I'm experimenting with a top down vertical scroller in Unity, with a perspective camera, NOT orthogonal. (It's unclear how 'pixelated'/pixel art I will want the graphics but that's another question) ...
James Carlyle-Clarke's user avatar
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How to cut a desired shape out with desired depth of a mesh on VR?

I am creating my first Unity project which is a 𝐕𝐑 𝐬𝐢𝐦𝐮𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧, and I am struggling with a particular issue. I need to create 𝐚 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐦𝐞𝐬𝐡 𝐜𝐮𝐭 𝐟𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞 that ...
Saif Eddine Layouni's user avatar
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How to render a block being carved by a milling machine?

I'm making a simulation of a milling machine - something a bit like this diagram: At the top there is a cylinder mesh representing the milling tool. Below it is a cube mesh representing the material ...
Zhukov Artem's user avatar
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Raycasting to determine point inside or outside mesh, edge case?

I'm trying to determine if a point is inside or outside a (triangle) mesh. The best way I found was to cast a ray from the point and count how many triangles intersect. (Odd or even). I used Möller–...
Dolfje's user avatar
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Fast way to test whether a point is over a 3D mesh

I have a map with islands, and I need to detect whether the player is on an island or not. The player can be flying far above the island, so a fixed-distance raycast is not sufficient, and firing long ...
Robotex's user avatar
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Pink Objects/Sub-Meshes (NOT MATERIALS)

Using URP. Any object I import into unity from blender (fbx), the sub-mesh that comes with it are pink. All the materials are fine, I can put the object in my scene with a material and it looks normal....
Bean's user avatar
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Generating a mesh from a set of generatively produced co-ordinates

Using Unity I've been producing sculptural forms that look like this. It's made of patterns of cubes that twist around each other using a flocking algorithm. I'm trying to get it into a 3D printable ...
Tom's user avatar
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Update to the ROAM Large Scale Mesh LOD Method

I'm looking to create very large planetary terrain meshes. The most efficient and researched methodology I've seen so far was the ROAM 2.0 Method. However, this was written and published in 2005. Does ...
Jee's user avatar
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How to make Procedual Context Sensitive Mesh Generation during Runtime

In the game that i am trying to make i essentially generate an infinitely generating maze that has no dead ends and each corridor is of the same width. i have successfully managed to create this ...
FlamesWillBurst's user avatar
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How can I edit collisions in Unreal Engine?

I made a concave house model. When I import it to Unreal Engine it generates a simple box collision that covers the full mesh. I need a collision that only covers the walls. How can I generate one or ...
Tomdzsó's user avatar
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How can I blend meshes together where they intersect?

In a lot of my scenes I have things like this: and this: All the places I've circled are places where a prefab overlaps with another one or with the terrain. Is there any way to make those lines ...
Ryan's user avatar
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How can I get visually accurate collision normals with sphere collisions?

I'm solving simple 3D sphere collisions by checking the sphere for overlap with a mesh, finding the nearest point on that mesh's surface to the center of the sphere, and then resolving the collision ...
IanLarson's user avatar
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Unity3D Mapping uv coords from quads with unique vertices directly to texture map

this is my first post in this stack exchange! I was wondering how I would go about mapping the texture of my tiles for my tilemap directly to the texture atlas. I generate the mesh with unique ...
Pim Schwippert's user avatar
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What are perimeter and aspect ratio, in the context of 3D mesh approximate convex decomposition?

I'm trying to understand the logic behind Mamou and Ghorbel's algorithm in their paper A Simple And Efficient Approach For 3D Mesh Approximate Convex Decomposition. I cannot understand what is the ...
John Katsantas's user avatar
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How to find and manipulate a line on a mesh?

In Unity I currently have a script that allows me to "grab" a vertex, move it, and then update the mesh accordingly. How would I grab a line (which is basically grabbing two vertices I think) and move ...
ElectricBoogaloo Pt. 2's user avatar
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Issue With setting Mesh.triangles in Unity Script

I have been having an issue in making floating islands. For this i have created an array filled with the position data for both the top and bottom half of the island. Everything works fine when i only ...
Tallrascha's user avatar
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How collision boxes are assigned to object in 3D games? [closed]

Level designers make levels and then programmers import the models and use it but How and when collision boxes are generated for objects and models in the 3D map placed at random locations? Thanks.
videogamechef's user avatar
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How to procedurally create an extruded cube mesh's indicies?

I'm working on a tool that allows the user to create rails(basically an extruded cube) by placing 3d points where the vertices of rail would be. The picture below shows what I'm talking about. The ...
Grigori's user avatar
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How to fix a crowbar mesh deformation problem

I am having a problem exporting my model to Garry's Mod. Every time i compile the model in crowbar it comes out deformed like this when the model is really suppose to look like this how do I fix ...
A guest's user avatar
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Most efficient way to modify character mesh at run time

What is the most efficient way in unity to alter the mesh of a character in this scenario: When the player pick up an item: -A part of the mesh should be replaced, for example, the left arm is ...
Westside Tony's user avatar
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Generating 3D models / meshes

In LibGDX how can I construct a 3D terrain model that has Position Normal Color The model does not require a texture, it is colored on a per vertex basis. I've looked into LibGDX's ModelBuilder and ...
Charanor's user avatar
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How should I manage meshes for the streets of a 3D city map in Unity?

I was recreating a small city in Unity3D and was going to place streets and pathways according to a sketch. I'm building for Android and the city is quite small; I'm planning to have the entire road ...
Zimano's user avatar
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