I have this irritating problem in XNA that I have spent my Saturday with:
Cannot find ContentTypeReader BB.HeightMapInfoReader, BB, Version=, Culture=neutral.
It throws me that when I do (within the game assembly's Renderer.cs class):
this.terrain = this.game.Content.Load<Model>("heightmap");
There is a heightmap.bmp and I don't think there's anything wrong with it, because I used it in a previous version which I switched to this new better system.
So, I have a GeneratedGeometryPipeline
assembly that has these classes: HeightMapInfoContent
, HeightMapInfoWriter
, TerrainProcessor
. The GeneratedGeometryPipeline
assembly does not reference any other assemblies under the solution.
Then I have the game assembly that neither references any other solution assemblies and has these classes: HeightMapInfo
, HeightMapInfoReader
All game assembly classes are under namespace BB
and the GeneratedGeometryPipeline
classes are under the namespace GeneratedGeometryPipeline
I do not understand why it does not find it. Here's some code from the GeneratedGeometryPipeline.HeightMapInfoWriter
/// <summary>
/// A TypeWriter for HeightMapInfo, which tells the content pipeline how to save the
/// data in HeightMapInfo. This class should match HeightMapInfoReader: whatever the
/// writer writes, the reader should read.
/// </summary>
public class HeightMapInfoWriter : ContentTypeWriter<HeightMapInfoContent>
protected override void Write(ContentWriter output, HeightMapInfoContent value)
foreach (float height in value.Height)
foreach (Vector3 normal in value.Normals)
/// <summary>
/// Tells the content pipeline what CLR type the
/// data will be loaded into at runtime.
/// </summary>
public override string GetRuntimeType(TargetPlatform targetPlatform)
return "BB.HeightMapInfo, BB, Version=, Culture=neutral";
/// <summary>
/// Tells the content pipeline what worker type
/// will be used to load the data.
/// </summary>
public override string GetRuntimeReader(TargetPlatform targetPlatform)
return "BB.HeightMapInfoReader, BB, Version=, Culture=neutral";
Can someone help me out?