I was able to solve this using trig instead of vector math. Here's how it looks as a triangle.
Notice that since this is meant for a computer coordinate system, the \$y+\$ axis is down. Also the angles are as such: \$x+ = 0°\$, \$y+ = 90°\$, \$y- = -90°\$, and \$x- = ±180°\$
Additionally, we know that line B's angle is \$∠B = -10°\$.
The speeds don't matter since they can be expressed as a ratio \$r = 120 / 25\$. So \$A\$ can be expressed as \$B * r\$, as shown.
We can calculate the length and angle of \$C\$ as:
C &= \sqrt{(b.x - a.x)^2 + (b.y - a.y)^2} &&\approx 10.05 \\
∠C &= atan2(b.y - a.y, b.x - a.x) &&\approx 84.29°
\$∠a = ∠C - ∠B ≈ 94.29°\$
Now we have all we need to use the Law of Cosine, which states:
\$A^2 = B^2 + C^2 - 2*B*C*cos(a)\$
Since we know that \$A\$ is a ratio of \$B\$, we can express it like so:
\$(B*r)^2 = B^2 + C^2 - 2*B*C*cos(a)\$
Solve for \$B\$ and we get:
\$B = ± \frac{ \sqrt{ C^2 * (cos(a)^2 + r^2 -1 ) } - cos(a)*C }{r^2 - 1} \approx 2.18\$
Since time is not a factor in this equation, we get two results, depending on if we're forward in time or backwards. We'd have to check that the \$B\$ we get is in the right direction.
Finally, we now know enough to calculate what we want:
c.x &= a.x + B * cos(∠B) &&\approx 4.14 \\
c.y &= a.y + B * sin(∠B) &&\approx 1.62
For bonus points, if we wanted the shooting angle \$∠A\$, we can get it like so:
\$∠A = atan2(c.y - b.y, c.x - b.x) \approx -83.72°\$