I want to implement masking with sprite in Andengine. I want same functionality as in ios class called
which works like an masking node! Is there any workaround like this in andengine/opengl ? Thanks.
Edit: This is something I was trying to mask an entity, got no effect, any suggestion?
public class ClippingEntity extends Entity//BaseSprite
protected int mWidth;
protected int mHeight;
public ClippingEntity(float pX, float pY, int pWidth, int pHeight, TextureRegion t)
super(pX, pY);//, pWidth, pHeight, t);
mWidth = pWidth;
mHeight = pHeight;
protected void onManagedDraw(GL10 pGL, Camera pCamera)
pGL.glScissor(0 + (int) mX, 800 - mHeight + (int) mY, mWidth, mHeight);
super.onManagedDraw(pGL, pCamera);
I have also tried Stencil Test but it just clears the color of rectangle. ref: opengl mask tests
Ultimate goal is to disable drawing changes in specific entity where it may aslo have transparent background.