I have a 3D-laser scanner which gives me a series of points of a real-world object. The points are related by a common origin.
I know I can derive the equation of a plane from 3 points and that the "maximum material condition", "flatness" or "thickness" of the blob will be defined by a 4th point which has the greatest height-magnitude relative to the plane of the object.
How do I choose which 3 points from a shape (which happens to look like a CD, as in it's disc-shaped) define the plane of the object?
To account for any ambiguity in the question, I already know the diameter of this disc so even though that is technically the widest part of my blob, I actually want to know how "flat" it is. Basically if this "disc" were resting on a perfectly flat surface, what would be it's highest point?
EDITS: Question has been significantly edited, because I originally asked the "wrong" question. I'm stuck at the part where I'm try to find 3 points that define the plane this disc will rest on, before I find the 4th point that indicates how "thick" it is...
I can guarantee the disc will not rest on it's thin edge as it should almost be level or maybe tilted up to 15° when scanned. Essentially a disc may be scanned at a slight angle/tilt and that should not influence it's maximal thickness.
Note: My points come in as cylindrical coordinates initially, but I already wrote functions to convert back and forth to Cartesian3D and Spherical systems. I know which axis will be X, Y and Z but I have intentionally omitted that information as it should be arbitrary to any code.
Conceptual answers are very welcome, I can google to figure out implementation details.
using Common.FluentValidation;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using Common.Extensions;
namespace Common.Mathematics
// Coordinate system conversions http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spherical_coordinate_system#Cartesian_coordinates
// Cylindrical Coordinates http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cylindrical_coordinate_system
// http://gamedev.stackexchange.com/questions/81713/how-do-i-translate-a-spherical-coordinate-to-a-cartesian-one
// http://gamedev.stackexchange.com/questions/44738/spherical-to-cartesian-coordinates
// World Frame
* *
* +Height *
* (Polar-Axis) *
* (Elevation = 90°) *
* | *
* | / +Depth (Rotation = 90°) *
* | / *
* |/ *
* -Length ---------------*--------------- +Length *
* (Rotation = 180°) /| (Rotation = 0°) *
* / | (Elevation = 0°) *
* -Depth / | *
* (Rotation = 270°) | *
* -Height *
* (Elevation = -90°) *
* *
public static class Coordinates
// Config
public static double Cartesian_Max_Resolution = 0.0000001;
public static double Degree_Max_Resolution = 0.0000001;
public class Cylindrical
// Public Fields
/// <summary>
/// Horizontal vector distance from polar axis to point.
/// </summary>
public readonly double Radius;
/// <summary>
/// Height along polar axis (Graphically -Down, +Up).
/// </summary>
public readonly double Height;
/// <summary>
/// Angle (theta) of rotation (+ is counter clockwise) about the polar axis. Rotation of 0° is colinear with the positive Length-axis; 90° is colinear with the positive Depth-axis.
/// </summary>
public readonly double Rotation;
// Constructor
public Cylindrical(double p_radius, double p_height, double p_rotation)
// Init
Radius = p_radius;
Height = p_height;
Rotation = p_rotation;
// Correct Inverted Radius
if (Radius < 0)
Radius = -Radius;
Height = -Height;
Rotation += 180;
// Limit Rotation from 0° to 360°
Rotation = Rotation % 360;
Rotation = (Rotation < 0) ? Rotation + 360 : Rotation;
public Cylindrical(Cartesian3D p_coordinate)
// Init
double L = p_coordinate.Length;
double D = p_coordinate.Depth;
Height = p_coordinate.Height;
// Horizontal Vector
Radius = Math.Sqrt(L * L + D * D);
// Atan2 returns -PI to +PI Radians
// Adjust angle to be between 0° and 360°
double DomainValue = Math.Atan2(D, L) * Constants.DEGREES_PER_RADIAN;
Rotation = ((DomainValue >= 0) ? DomainValue : DomainValue + 360);
public Cylindrical(Spherical p_coordinate)
// Init
double M = p_coordinate.Magnitude;
double E = p_coordinate.Elevation * Constants.RADIANS_PER_DEGREE;
Rotation = p_coordinate.Rotation % 360;
// Calc
Radius = M * Math.Cos(E);
Height = M * Math.Sin(E);
// Limit Rotation from 0° to 360°
Rotation = Rotation % 360;
Rotation = (Rotation < 0) ? Rotation + 360 : Rotation;
// Overrides
public override bool Equals(object obj)
if (this == (obj as Cylindrical))
return true;
return false;
public static bool operator ==(Cylindrical A, Cylindrical B)
// Both null
if (Object.Equals(A, null) && Object.Equals(B, null))
return true;
// Either Null
if (Object.Equals(A, null) || Object.Equals(B, null))
return false;
// Compare fields/properties
if (Math.Abs(A.Radius - B.Radius) > Coordinates.Cartesian_Max_Resolution)
return false;
if (Math.Abs(A.Height - B.Height) > Coordinates.Cartesian_Max_Resolution)
return false;
if (Math.Abs(A.Rotation - B.Rotation) > Coordinates.Degree_Max_Resolution)
return false;
return true;
public static bool operator !=(Cylindrical A, Cylindrical B)
return !(A == B);
public override int GetHashCode()
// http://primes.utm.edu/lists/small/1000.txt
int SomeLowValuePrimeA = 503;
int SomeLowValuePrimeB = 947;
// http://stackoverflow.com/a/720282/1718702
// disable overflow, for the unlikely possibility that you
// are compiling with overflow-checking enabled
int Hash = SomeLowValuePrimeA;
Hash = (SomeLowValuePrimeB * Hash) + Radius.GetHashCode();
Hash = (SomeLowValuePrimeB * Hash) + Height.GetHashCode();
Hash = (SomeLowValuePrimeB * Hash) + Rotation.GetHashCode();
return Hash;
public override string ToString()
string.Format("Radius = {0}, Height = {1}, Rotation = {2}°",
Radius.ToString("0.0000"), Height.ToString("0.0000"), Rotation.ToString("0.00"));
// Implicit Operators
public static implicit operator Cylindrical(Spherical p_coordinate)
new Cylindrical(p_coordinate);
public static implicit operator Cylindrical(Cartesian3D p_coordinate)
new Cylindrical(p_coordinate);
public class Cartesian3D
// Public Fields
/// <summary>
/// Length-axis value (Graphically -Left, +Right)
/// </summary>
public readonly double Length;
/// <summary>
/// Height-axis value (Graphically -Down, +Up)
/// </summary>
public readonly double Height;
/// <summary>
/// Depth-axis value (Graphically -Toward camera, +Away from camera)
/// </summary>
public readonly double Depth;
// Constructor
public Cartesian3D(double p_length, double p_height, double p_depth)
// Init
Length = p_length;
Height = p_height;
Depth = p_depth;
public Cartesian3D(Cylindrical p_coordinate)
// Init
double Radius = p_coordinate.Radius;
Height = p_coordinate.Height;
double Rotation = p_coordinate.Rotation * Constants.RADIANS_PER_DEGREE;
Length = Radius * Math.Cos(Rotation);
Depth = Radius * Math.Sin(Rotation);
// Overrides
public override bool Equals(object obj)
if (this == (obj as Cartesian3D))
return true;
return false;
public static bool operator ==(Cartesian3D A, Cartesian3D B)
// Both null
if (Object.Equals(A, null) && Object.Equals(B, null))
return true;
// Either Null
if (Object.Equals(A, null) || Object.Equals(B, null))
return false;
// Compare fields/properties
if (Math.Abs(A.Length - B.Length) > Coordinates.Cartesian_Max_Resolution)
return false;
if (Math.Abs(A.Height - B.Height) > Coordinates.Cartesian_Max_Resolution)
return false;
if (Math.Abs(A.Depth - B.Depth) > Coordinates.Cartesian_Max_Resolution)
return false;
return true;
public static bool operator !=(Cartesian3D A, Cartesian3D B)
return !(A == B);
public override int GetHashCode()
// http://primes.utm.edu/lists/small/1000.txt
int SomeLowValuePrimeA = 5;
int SomeLowValuePrimeB = 353;
// http://stackoverflow.com/a/720282/1718702
// disable overflow, for the unlikely possibility that you
// are compiling with overflow-checking enabled
int Hash = SomeLowValuePrimeA;
Hash = (SomeLowValuePrimeB * Hash) + Length.GetHashCode();
Hash = (SomeLowValuePrimeB * Hash) + Height.GetHashCode();
Hash = (SomeLowValuePrimeB * Hash) + Depth.GetHashCode();
return Hash;
public override string ToString()
string.Format("Length = {0}, Height = {1}, Depth = {2}",
Length.ToString("0.0000"), Height.ToString("0.0000"), Depth.ToString("0.0000"));
// Implicit Operators
public static implicit operator Cartesian3D(Cylindrical p_coordinate)
new Cartesian3D(p_coordinate);
public static implicit operator Cartesian3D(Spherical p_coordinate)
Cylindrical Point = p_coordinate;
new Cartesian3D(Point);
public class Spherical
// Public Fields
/// <summary>
/// Magnitude (rho) of vector.
/// </summary>
public readonly double Magnitude;
/// <summary>
/// Angle (phi) of elevation measured relative to the horizontal plane. Elevation of 90° is colinear with the positive polar-axis; -90° is colinear with the negative polar-axis.
/// </summary>
public readonly double Elevation;
/// <summary>
/// Angle (theta) of rotation about the polar axis. Rotation of 0° is colinear with positive length-axis; 90° is colinear with positive depth-axis.
/// </summary>
public readonly double Rotation;
// Constructor
public Spherical(double p_magnitude, double p_elevation, double p_rotation)
// Init
Magnitude = p_magnitude;
Elevation = p_elevation % 180;
Rotation = p_rotation;
// Correct Inverted Magnitude
if (Magnitude < 0)
Magnitude = -Magnitude;
Elevation = -Elevation;
Rotation += 180;
// Limit Elevation from 90° to -90°
if (Elevation > 90.0)
Elevation = 180 - Elevation;
Rotation += 180;
else if (Elevation < -90.0)
Elevation = -180 - Elevation;
Rotation += 180;
// Limit Rotation from 0° to 360°
Rotation = Rotation % 360;
Rotation = (Rotation < 0) ? Rotation + 360 : Rotation;
public Spherical(Cylindrical p_coordinate)
// Init
double R = p_coordinate.Radius;
double H = p_coordinate.Height;
Rotation = p_coordinate.Rotation;
Magnitude = Math.Sqrt(R * R + H * H);
// Vector magnitude projected in the horizontal plane will always be positive
// Therefore angle will always be between 0° and 180°
Elevation = Math.Atan2(H, R) * Constants.DEGREES_PER_RADIAN;
// Limit Rotation from 0° to 360°
Rotation = Rotation % 360;
Rotation = (Rotation < 0) ? Rotation + 360 : Rotation;
// Overrides
public override bool Equals(object obj)
if (this == (obj as Spherical))
return true;
return false;
public static bool operator ==(Spherical A, Spherical B)
// Both null
if (Object.Equals(A, null) && Object.Equals(B, null))
return true;
// Either Null
if (Object.Equals(A, null) || Object.Equals(B, null))
return false;
// Compare fields/properties
if (Math.Abs(A.Magnitude - B.Magnitude) > Coordinates.Cartesian_Max_Resolution)
return false;
if (Math.Abs(A.Elevation - B.Elevation) > Coordinates.Degree_Max_Resolution)
return false;
if (Math.Abs(A.Rotation - B.Rotation) > Coordinates.Degree_Max_Resolution)
return false;
return true;
public static bool operator !=(Spherical A, Spherical B)
return !(A == B);
public override int GetHashCode()
// http://primes.utm.edu/lists/small/1000.txt
int SomeLowValuePrimeA = 503;
int SomeLowValuePrimeB = 151;
// http://stackoverflow.com/a/720282/1718702
// disable overflow, for the unlikely possibility that you
// are compiling with overflow-checking enabled
int Hash = SomeLowValuePrimeA;
Hash = (SomeLowValuePrimeB * Hash) + Magnitude.GetHashCode();
Hash = (SomeLowValuePrimeB * Hash) + Elevation.GetHashCode();
Hash = (SomeLowValuePrimeB * Hash) + Rotation.GetHashCode();
return Hash;
public override string ToString()
string.Format("Magnitude = {0}, Elevation = {1}°, Rotation = {2}°",
Magnitude.ToString("0.0000"), Elevation.ToString("0.00"), Rotation.ToString("0.00"));
// Implicit Operators
public static implicit operator Spherical(Cylindrical p_coordinate)
new Spherical(p_coordinate);
public static implicit operator Spherical(Cartesian3D p_coordinate)
Cylindrical Point = p_coordinate;
new Spherical(Point);