In my app, I have a 'rate me' button. It follows the usual path - user clicks in, it starts an intent and opens the app's listing on the Play Store. All well and good. Now I wish to try to distribute my app via different app stores (Amazon for example), so obviously, if the user hits the 'rate me' button I don't want it to take the user to the Google Play Store but to whatever store they got it from.
APK For each store
This is possible, true, but I think it would be a complete nightmare to manage (like creating a new APK for each store every time I issue a new update.
So I'm looking for something like this pseudo code:
if(rate-me button pressed){
if (from Google Play Store){
Go to Google Play Store
else if (from Amazon Store){
Go to Amazon Store
And so on.......
I'm guessing there is a way (that some apps must surely use) but I have no idea how to go about it.