I am a programmer and brand new to the game world, trying to get a sense of what it would take to draw simple characters like you'd see in Don't Starve or indie games like that.
I have seen in their forums images of the characters all broken up into pieces, and found Spriter for windows, and eventually Spine 2D for mac which looks amazing. They have many tutorials that show taking a set of images, applying them to a skeleton, and animating them.
My question is, what is the workflow for creating the characters so you end up with all of these character parts, which you can then use in a skeletal animation?
- Do you open up photoshop or some image editor, and just start drawing a foot or an eye?
- Or do you draw the whole character first, and then methodically go through and break it apart into individual images?
- If so, what is your workflow for doing that? In some of these broken apart images (like the above), many of the pieces overlap in some way.
- So it's like, if you draw a complete arm, and then break it up into a hand, a forearm, and an upper arm, in the process of breaking it apart, you would have a technique for somehow closing off the ends where you made the cut, so it is "ideal" for animating. Is there a technique for this?
This is probably a really basic question.. I have been learning to draw by hand and wonder what things you want to pay attention to if you were preparing them for a game.