Ok your first problem is that the code there is for Legacy animation, and you probably imported as the default which is Mecanim (actually, in comments we already determined that; just leaving this note here for future visitors). Unity has an older animation system that is still around for legacy reasons, but you shouldn't use that for future projects. However for reference you can switch between animation systems in the Rig tab of the model; there is a drop-down to switch between Humanoid and Generic rigs (both of which fall under the umbrella of Mecanim), or you can set to Legacy.
Anyway, at a high-level the way you use the new animation system is by setting up a bunch of animation states in an Animator controller, assign parameters to transition between those animation states, and then when your code passes values to the animator it will transition between animations. Whereas in Legacy the animations are attached to the model directly and your code plays animations by name, in Mecanim the animations are used in an Animator and the Animator is attached to the model. This indirection is the first thing to understand; it can seem a bit odd since the animation clips can be part of the model (ie. part of the fbx file that was imported) but this indirection also allows you to share animations from other models.
refer to http://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/AnimationParameters.html
Create a new Animator controller, and then open the Animator window to edit it. First click the + button in the lower-left to setup parameters you'll use (eg. a float called Speed). You can drag animation clips into the Animator (click the right arrow on a model asset to see the animation clips) and then right-click the animations to set transitions between them (eg. from Idle animation to Run animation when Speed is greater than 1). Finally select the model in the sene and drag the Animator asset to the animator slot in the Inspector.
At this point the code to trigger animations is pretty simple; Mecanim is designed to handle for you all the complex work of deciding which animation to play and transitioning between them. In your code you need a reference to the Animator component; there are a variety of ways to do that, one of the simplest being GetComponent (this is C# code):
private Animator _animator;
void Start() {
_animator = GetComponent<Animator>();
Now passing values to the animator is simply done with commands like:
_animator.SetFloat("Speed", 1.5f);
_animator.SetBool("Jumping", true);
This might seem like a lot of rigamarole for just testing an arm bending, and well it is a lot for just that. However Mecanim was designed for the complex animations that happens in games, where you want a character to fluidly transition between a bunch of aniamtions. With animation clips set in the imported model, and animation states set in the Animator controller, there's very little your code needs to do to run the animations.