I want my character's speed to ramp up using somewhat of a logarithmic formula. I am confused about how specifically I would implement this. I want the character to move fast with a little movement as as the movement gets larger the added contribution to speed is less and less. I said logarithmic function because this kind of mimics the shape of what I am after. Does anyone have an example of how this is done?
3 Answers
As much as I can tell you want something like this:
Target_Speed = some value;
Time = -log(Initial_Speed);
while(runnning) {
Time += delta_time;
Current_Speed = Target_Speed - exp(-Time);
do some other stuff
And here is why this algorithm works:
We know logarithmic function exp(x)
tend to approach 0 when x
goes to negative infinity. So in order to make that logarithmic function become zero we should reduce Time to a very low value, or we can increase Time, and compute exp(-Time)
instead. based on the current argument, it's easy to see when Time
gets very large, -Time
becomes real large negative and so exp(-Time)
becomes almost zero.
And for the initial values:
is your desired speed, and you can set it as you want. in the first cycle we want the Current_Speed
to be zero, so Target_Speed - exp(-Time)
should evaluate to zero.
Target_Speed = exp(-Time)
=> log(Target_Speed) = log(exp(-Time)) = -Time
=> -log(Target_Speed) = Time
So simply by setting the initial value of Time to -log(Target_Speed)
we will get what we wanted.
All that said I think my answer is exactly the same as Arne's except with little more information about how it's working!
You can add a curve and manually adjust the acceleration graph.
public AnimationCurve curve;
Then simply select it in the inspector and use a preset. To change speed, use:
currentSpeed = curve.Evaluate(t);
where "t" can be Time.time/5f
or other value from 0 to 1.
If you want a more physical way then use rigidbody and rigidbody.AddRelativeForce(Vector3.forward);
each frame do this:
speed += 0.05;
pos += speed;
speed *= 0.99;
adjust parameters at will.
2\$\begingroup\$ You should explain what this is doing and why it works in your answer. \$\endgroup\$ Commented Jan 30, 2014 at 1:27
\$\begingroup\$ This much I know. But I want a way to specify a smooth formula for ramping down the effect of speed as it gets faster. \$\endgroup\$ Commented Jan 30, 2014 at 1:41