I'm trying to render bitmap fonts in directX10 at the moment, and I want to do this as efficiently as possible. I'm having a hard time getting a start on my design because of this question though.
So should I reuse a single VertexBuffer or make multiple VertexBuffer objects?
Currently I allocate one dynamic VertexBuffer per Quad object in my program. This way I wouldn't have to map/unmap a VertexBuffer if nothing moves on my screen. For fonts I can implement a similar method on where I allocate one buffer per text box, or something similar.
After searching I read about reusing a single VertexBuffer for all objects. Vertex caching came up also. What is the advantage/disadvantage of this, and is it faster than my previous method?
For last, is there any other method I should look into rendering many 2d quads in the screen?
Thank you in advance.