I am trying to write an engine for a game, in particular a component-based one (in my approach components contain both data and logic). So basically I have entities, and each entity has a list of components (each component extends the Component class). Now, I want to be able to define templates for my entities in xml files, and load them at runtime. The template would look something like this:
<Component name="MovementComponent">
<...Variables to be initialized...>
<Component name="RenderComponent">
The "name" attribute is the name of the corresponding component class. Now, of course the components are game-specific so I need a way to create an instance of the component and add it to the entity's list without actually knowing the specific class. I thought about Class.forName("...the "name" attribute...").newInstance(), but this way I can't add the components to the list, since it is an ArrayList of Component and the program cannot know that the object returned by the method newInstance is actually a subclass of Component. Is there any simple way to do this?