I've got random circles from random colors of RBG (assume they can be any combination of values). I have some text I want to write on top of them but I want the color to be readable on it no matter the color of the bubble. How can I pick a complimentary color?
2 Answers
You can pick the opposite color by calculate like this:
maximum - color = opposite color
e.g. white(255,255,255) - red(255,0,0) = cyan(0,255,255)
You can also solve the problem by using a text with a border e.g. inner color white, outher color black -> if the background is black, you cannot see the outer border but the inner white. If the background is white, the border shows the text.
Edit: an example is the caption of the site: "Game Development" -> the inner color is white, the outer color something like gray. The background doesn't matter you can see every character very well.
One simple solution is to pick either black or white depending on how bright the colour is. Something like this:
float GetIntensity(float r, float g, float b)
return r * 0.299f + g * 0.587f + b * 0.114f;
if (GetIntensity(r, g, b) < 0.5f)
It has the benefit that you don't need to worry about weird looking text colours, or colour blindness in the viewer.