My question is this: How do I make a gamemap from the drawings on my spritesheet?
The tutorial I have followed for making a java 2D game uses this technique to make a gamemap: in photoshop I create a new document with each pixel representing a tile in the game map. Each tile is assigned a unique hexadecimal color value and from there it is a breeze to load the .png file into the game.
However, now that I have a complete map filled with all the basic tiles, it's still a very empty map. I want trees, bushes, flowers on my grass tiles. seaweed, water lilies, driftswood and whatnot on my water tiles. All sorts of scenary that is simply a must to make a simple game map. Many of these "scenery" objects I intend to design bigger than 1 tile (structures, for example). And not necessarily entire tiles either (some will have transparent parts). I'm at a complete loss and don't even know what to expect for an answer.
Am I supposed to draw a tree (with a mass of 8 tiles) as 8 seperate tiles? Am i supposed to draw even larger objects (20x20 warehouses) on top of basic tiles? What I really hope to learn is how the gamemaps have been made in the Pokemon games for gameboy, for instance.
My current thoughts are to design a new class in my projects resembling the Tile class, this one Scenary. Like Tile it will contain an array of every single scenary object in the game, each with a unique color code to be represented as a pixel in a .png document. The pixel representing the start-point of the scenary and the individual scenary object should contain information about how to render from its start position.
If not entirely ridiculous this method can't possibly the right way to go. The Scenary class could, unlike the Tile class, have potentially hundreds of objects in its array.