I'm planing to develop a puzzle like mobile game (android/ios) with a different logic for each puzzle. Say, for example one puzzle could be a Rubik's cube and another one a ball maze. Many more new puzzles will appear during the life of the game, and I want the users to be able to play those new puzzles.
The standard way for managing this would be through application updates. Each time a new puzzle or bunch of puzzles appear, create a new update for the app that the user can download. However, I would like to do it in a more transparent way. When a new puzzle appears, the basic info of the puzzle would be displayed in the app menu, and the user would be able to play it by just clicking it.
What comes to my mind is that the app would automatically download a .dll or .jar and inject it in the application at runtime. Is that even possible? Are there any restrictions from the OS? Is there a better way for solving it?
Thanks alot