I am having an issue with loading in an OGG audio file to my project. Basically I want to set my game up so that players can drop audio files into a folder called Playlist in the game directory then they can listen to this music while they play.
For some reason my audio clip never becomes instantiated. I have an Audio Source in my scene with this script attached to it.
As you can see I have commented out some code for the time being as I am trying to get a simple case of only 1 audio file playing at this stage.
So my question is what exactly am I doing wrong here? I have printed out the file path and it comes out as file://B:/Users/Matt/Development/Unity Projects/Space Game/Playlist/19_Tumbling_Dice.ogg which is the location to my audio.
However when I print out the audioLoader.audioClip.name it comes out as blank...
public class MP3AudioImporter : MonoBehaviour {
private List<string> playlist;
private string musicDir = "B:/Users/Matt/Development/Unity Projects/Space Game/Playlist/";
private int currIndex = 0;
void Start()
string[] songs = Directory.GetFiles(@musicDir, "*.ogg", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly);
playlist = new List<string>(songs);
void StartAudio()
WWW audioLoader = new WWW("file://" + playlist[currIndex]);
audio.clip = audioLoader.audioClip;
if (currIndex > playlist.Count)
currIndex = 0;
Invoke("StartAudio", audio.clip.length + 0.5f);