My player is getting caught on something on the floor. My whole environment is just blocks. I have looked through (and tried to change) just about everything I can think of in my player update method. Any idea what could be solving this? Here is the code:
public void update(GameContainer gc, int delta, Map m){
boolean updateX = true;
boolean updateY = true;
if(!movingLeft && dx < 0f){
dx += .2f;
if(!movingRight && dx > 0f){
dx -= .2f;
if(!movingLeft && !movingRight && ((dx < 0 && dx > -.2f) || (dx > 0 && dx < .2f))){
dx = 0f;
boolean fallFlag = true;
prx = new Rectangle(x + dx, y, 10, 10);
pry = new Rectangle(x, y + dy, 10, 10);
for(Platform p : m.platforms){
r = new Rectangle(p.getX() - 2, p.getY() - 2, 20 + 2, 20 + 2);
updateX = false;
dx = 0;
//check if my dy will cause me to hit a platform
//if I am moving down, set falling to false
if(dy > 0)
fallFlag = false;
updateY = false;
dy = .025f;
inAir = fallFlag;
dy += .025f;