My final year project is on HTML5 canvas element. I am presently working on an internship for the past two month where I have to port an existing flash game to HMTL5 canvas.
From what I can tell you about my life here, well its tough. The requirements team have very specific demands. What mouse click is supposed to be doing what, how the effects should apply on the game. No matter how tough it gets for the programmer even for the silliest request, it has to be addressed, and after all the requirements are implemented. The bug reporting start. God is that annoying. It really begins to get on your nerves. An offset of 1px for a click can make your life hell, trust me! It can mean new structuring of your entire positioning and interaction space for that you could accommodate to their whims and fancies.
But its also fun! :) The sheer joy of writing that one really smart function, interacting with the community of how you could recreate a function that flash does automatically. All of it. Its times like that you don't regret having that job.. Makes it feel like the best job in the world, and to my nephews the coolest in the world.
So a regular day in my job would be coming over to work implementing a function. Researching and searching for that one function that makes a feature possible. Getting the hell tested out of that code. Fixing that code. Discussing with the community on how that code could be optimized. Then writing what I feel is the best program on earth :P
At the end of the day, mostly am satisfied with what I have accomplished, sometimes still tensed about where I could have done better and what I could have done different and perfecting that. I just in the beginner phase and so I may not be able to advice you on how it gets in the future but as of now.. I do think I have to coolest job :)