I've recently added an explosion in my game, for when enemies get killed, and it works fine and all, but the explosion wont "spawn" on the enemies x
and y
The problem is that I'm not drawing the bitmap from the center, but from its 0,0
position, so the explosion spawns at my enemies 0,0
It's not like the explosion spawns at random places, it spawns around the enemies bitmap, but just not on the center, and it is really annoying to look at.
But if I try to change it so I add them at the center, It creates a really weird effect when rotating them that is hard to explain.
I cant use this: canvas.drawBitmap(bitmap, x - bitmap.getWidth/2, y - bitmap.getHeight/2, null);
, or I'm just doing it wrong and missing something.
How I draw my enemies:
public void draw(Canvas canvas) {
canvas.rotate((float) rotater, x + (width / 2), y + (height/2));
int srcX = currentFrame * width;
int srcY = 0 * height;
Rect src = new Rect(srcX, srcY, srcX + width, srcY + height);
Rect dst = new Rect(x, y, x + width, y + height);
canvas.drawBitmap(bitmap, src, dst, null);
How I add my explosions:
if (enemies.get(i).getHP() <= 0) { //enemy death
addExplosion(enemies.get(i).getX(), enemies.get(i).getY());
If you need any more info to be able to help, let me know. Thank you!