I am trying to learn and teach myself openGL and I wanted to draw a figure 8 in a 3D setting but I'm having a problem. Please forgive me, I am very new at this but I'll attempt to explain what I have done so far
I understand that I can use the Lemniscate of Bernoulli to draw a nice figure 8, so I've have adopted that idea into my code. I just want to draw it along the x and z plane. My code looks like this
#define PI 3.1415926535f
#define MAX_STEPS 100.0f
Vector3 PointOnCurve1(Vector3 p1, float t)
Vector3 tempPoint = {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f};
float scaler = 2/ (3- cos(2*t));
varX = scaler * cos(t);
varZ = scaler * sin(2*t) / 2
tempPoint.x = varX+p1.x;
tempPoint.y += p1.y;
tempPoint.z =varX+p1.z;
return tempPoint;
Vector3 g_Point = {-4, 0, 0};
for(float t = -PI; t <= PI; t += PI / MAX_STEPS)
vPoint = PointOnCurve1(g_Point, t);
glVertex3f(vPoint.x, vPoint.y, vPoint.z);
All I'm getting is one straight green line instead of a figure 8. any ideas? Am I missing something here? I'm basing this equation from this gamedev article
How can I move an object in an "infinity" or "figure 8" trajectory?