So, I am trying to connect bones with vertex groups in blender, but I keep failing. if I move a bone in XNA, it doesnt also move those vertecis that are connected to this bone(vertex groups). What I have done is following:
-I made a model made up of four cuboids(seperate meshes).
-then I have created vertex groups for each of the mesh and assign vertecis to those groups.
-now I have added two bones(armatures).
-I renamed some of the vertex groups to the name of the first bone(not armature): "Bone".
-for the second bone "Bone2" I have made a vertex groups in all of the meshes, this vertex group contains all of the vertecis of that mesh.(because, if not all the vertecis are connected to at least one bone, XNA throws an error)
-then I exported if to .fbx format, checking: XNA Strict Options, XNA Rotation Animation Hack.
Thank you in advance!
EDIT: Ok, I have fixed the boneWeightCollection problem by unchecking Apply Modifiers in export menu. In blender now everything works great, if I move the bones in their POSE mode they deform the mesh. But they do not work in xna(if I move them, they do not deform the mesh)