I have blogged code to compute line of sight from a height-map. A simple flat map with obstacles is just a very flat height-map, and this implementation is still completely applicable.
Here it is in C++ and its O(n)
; if you know the maximum height in the map, you can track a scanline that has no rays remaining under that height, and early-out:
typedef std::vector<float> visbuf_t;
inline void map::_visibility_scan(const visbuf_t& in,visbuf_t& out,const vec_t& eye,int start_x,int stop_x,int y,int prev_y) {
const int xdir = (start_x < stop_x)? 1: -1;
for(int x=start_x; x!=stop_x; x+=xdir) {
const int x_diff = abs(eye.x-x), y_diff = abs(eye.z-y);
const bool horiz = (x_diff >= y_diff);
const int x_step = horiz? 1: x_diff/y_diff;
const int in_x = x-x_step*xdir; // where in the in buffer would we get the inner value?
const float outer_d = vec2_t(x,y).distance(vec2_t(eye.x,eye.z));
const float inner_d = vec2_t(in_x,horiz? y: prev_y).distance(vec2_t(eye.x,eye.z));
const float inner = (horiz? out: in).at(in_x)*(outer_d/inner_d); // get the inner value, scaling by distance
const float outer = height_at(x,y)-eye.y; // height we are at right now in the map, eye-relative
if(inner <= outer) {
out.at(x) = outer;
vis.at(y*width+x) = VISIBLE;
} else {
out.at(x) = inner;
vis.at(y*width+x) = NOT_VISIBLE;
void map::visibility_add(const vec_t& eye) {
const float BASE = -10000; // represents a downward vector that would always be visible
visbuf_t scan_0, scan_out, scan_in;
vis[eye.z*width+eye.x-1] = vis[eye.z*width+eye.x] = vis[eye.z*width+eye.x+1] = VISIBLE;
scan_0.at(eye.x) = BASE;
scan_0.at(eye.x-1) = BASE;
scan_0.at(eye.x+1) = BASE;
scan_out = scan_0;
for(int y=eye.z+1; y<height; y++) {
scan_in = scan_out;
scan_out = scan_0;
for(int y=eye.z-1; y>=0; y--) {
scan_in = scan_out;