When I had this problem while working on my Cubes, I found the paper "A Fast Voxel Traversal Algorithm for Ray Tracing" by John Amanatides and Andrew Woo, 1987 which describes an algorithm which can be applied to this task; it is accurate and needs only one loop iteration per voxel intersected.
I have written an implementation of the relevant parts of the paper's algorithm in JavaScript. My implementation adds two features: it allows specifying a limit on the distance of the raycast (useful for avoiding performance issues as well as defining a limited 'reach'), and also computes which face of each voxel the ray entered.
The input origin
vector must be scaled such that the side length of a voxel is 1. The length of the direction
vector is not significant but may affect the numerical accuracy of the algorithm.
The algorithm operates by using a parameterized representation of the ray, origin + t * direction
. For each coordinate axis, we keep track of the t
value which we would have if we took a step sufficient to cross a voxel boundary along that axis (i.e. change the integer part of the coordinate) in the variables tMaxX
, tMaxY
, and tMaxZ
. Then, we take a step (using the step
and tDelta
variables) along whichever axis has the least tMax
— i.e. whichever voxel-boundary is closest.
* Call the callback with (x,y,z,value,face) of all blocks along the line
* segment from point 'origin' in vector direction 'direction' of length
* 'radius'. 'radius' may be infinite.
* 'face' is the normal vector of the face of that block that was entered.
* It should not be used after the callback returns.
* If the callback returns a true value, the traversal will be stopped.
function raycast(origin, direction, radius, callback) {
// From "A Fast Voxel Traversal Algorithm for Ray Tracing"
// by John Amanatides and Andrew Woo, 1987
// <http://www.cse.yorku.ca/~amana/research/grid.pdf>
// <http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/summary?doi=>
// Extensions to the described algorithm:
// • Imposed a distance limit.
// • The face passed through to reach the current cube is provided to
// the callback.
// The foundation of this algorithm is a parameterized representation of
// the provided ray,
// origin + t * direction,
// except that t is not actually stored; rather, at any given point in the
// traversal, we keep track of the *greater* t values which we would have
// if we took a step sufficient to cross a cube boundary along that axis
// (i.e. change the integer part of the coordinate) in the variables
// tMaxX, tMaxY, and tMaxZ.
// Cube containing origin point.
var x = Math.floor(origin[0]);
var y = Math.floor(origin[1]);
var z = Math.floor(origin[2]);
// Break out direction vector.
var dx = direction[0];
var dy = direction[1];
var dz = direction[2];
// Direction to increment x,y,z when stepping.
var stepX = signum(dx);
var stepY = signum(dy);
var stepZ = signum(dz);
// See description above. The initial values depend on the fractional
// part of the origin.
var tMaxX = intbound(origin[0], dx);
var tMaxY = intbound(origin[1], dy);
var tMaxZ = intbound(origin[2], dz);
// The change in t when taking a step (always positive).
var tDeltaX = stepX/dx;
var tDeltaY = stepY/dy;
var tDeltaZ = stepZ/dz;
// Buffer for reporting faces to the callback.
var face = vec3.create();
// Avoids an infinite loop.
if (dx === 0 && dy === 0 && dz === 0)
throw new RangeError("Raycast in zero direction!");
// Rescale from units of 1 cube-edge to units of 'direction' so we can
// compare with 't'.
radius /= Math.sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy+dz*dz);
while (/* ray has not gone past bounds of world */
(stepX > 0 ? x < wx : x >= 0) &&
(stepY > 0 ? y < wy : y >= 0) &&
(stepZ > 0 ? z < wz : z >= 0)) {
// Invoke the callback, unless we are not *yet* within the bounds of the
// world.
if (!(x < 0 || y < 0 || z < 0 || x >= wx || y >= wy || z >= wz))
if (callback(x, y, z, blocks[x*wy*wz + y*wz + z], face))
// tMaxX stores the t-value at which we cross a cube boundary along the
// X axis, and similarly for Y and Z. Therefore, choosing the least tMax
// chooses the closest cube boundary. Only the first case of the four
// has been commented in detail.
if (tMaxX < tMaxY) {
if (tMaxX < tMaxZ) {
if (tMaxX > radius) break;
// Update which cube we are now in.
x += stepX;
// Adjust tMaxX to the next X-oriented boundary crossing.
tMaxX += tDeltaX;
// Record the normal vector of the cube face we entered.
face[0] = -stepX;
face[1] = 0;
face[2] = 0;
} else {
if (tMaxZ > radius) break;
z += stepZ;
tMaxZ += tDeltaZ;
face[0] = 0;
face[1] = 0;
face[2] = -stepZ;
} else {
if (tMaxY < tMaxZ) {
if (tMaxY > radius) break;
y += stepY;
tMaxY += tDeltaY;
face[0] = 0;
face[1] = -stepY;
face[2] = 0;
} else {
// Identical to the second case, repeated for simplicity in
// the conditionals.
if (tMaxZ > radius) break;
z += stepZ;
tMaxZ += tDeltaZ;
face[0] = 0;
face[1] = 0;
face[2] = -stepZ;
function intbound(s, ds) {
// Find the smallest positive t such that s+t*ds is an integer.
if (ds < 0) {
return intbound(-s, -ds);
} else {
s = mod(s, 1);
// problem is now s+t*ds = 1
return (1-s)/ds;
function signum(x) {
return x > 0 ? 1 : x < 0 ? -1 : 0;
function mod(value, modulus) {
return (value % modulus + modulus) % modulus;
Permanent link to this version of the source on GitHub.