Is it possible to have love.load(), love.draw() and love.update() in different files? and if so how would I go about doing that?
1 Answer
It seems I misunderstood your question; you are not asking how to switch between different callbacks, you want to have them in different files.
The principle is the same:
load_module = require "main_load"
love.load = load_module.load
I've written a scene manager to do just that. I will open source it some day but to give you an idea here's how it is used:
-- main.lua
function love.load()
scene_manager.add(require "scenes/foo")
scene_manager.add(require "scenes/bar")
The change
method looks like this:
current_scene = scenes[scene_name]
Basically you need to iterate over the various methods (load
, update
as well as mousereleased
for instance) and then do love[method_name] = nil
Then in load_scene
you need to set it love[method_name] = current_scene[method_name]
I know this is not a comprehensive answer but it should get you started. So, yes, it can be done.