Draw a line to infinity and count how many times you cross the shape (even or odd), not counting the segment where the creature lies. Then check whether the creature is going left or right of that line.
In this example, we cross the shape twice (so even) and we go to the left. The result is immediate from this table:
# Crosses | even | odd
Direction | |
left | CCW | CW
right | CW | CCW
In pseudocode:
x, y = position of creature
vx, vy = direction of creature movement
crossings = 0
for each x1, y1, x2, y2 in shape segments:
if (x1 < x and x <= x2) or (x2 < x and x <= x1):
if y - y1 > (x - x1) * (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1):
if (crossings & 1) == (vx < 0):
return CW
return CCW