
I'm scripting my first game with Torque2D and have not fully understood the difference between "Class" and Datablock.

To me it seems like Datablock is similar to a struct in C/C++ or a Record in Pascal. If I create Datablocks with keyword new, are they instantiated in the same way as a "Class"?

I have a large TileMap and need to attach some information to each Tile. I was thinking to use a Datablock, as a struct, to attach this information to the tile's CustomData property.

The two questions are: What is a Datablock and should I use a Datablock or a "Class" for this tile information?

  • \$\begingroup\$ A datablock isn't really comparable to anything in a language - it's just a part of the Torque engine. If I remember correctly a datablock is shared across several instances of whatever type that datablock refers to. But since this is speculative and I don't understand Torque fully, I won't post this as an answer. \$\endgroup\$
    – Kylotan
    Commented Nov 4, 2012 at 23:13

1 Answer 1


A Torque Script class is really not a class in terms of C++ classes. It is more or less a namespace grouping "class" member functions together.

function MyClass::MyFunction1(%param1)

function MyClass::MyFunction2(%param1,%param2)
  echo(%param1 + %param2);

These two functions are in the same namespace aka Class, MyClass. We can call the functions as static members.

MyClass::Function1("Hello World"); // echo Hello World
MyClass::Function2(10,5);          // echo 15

Like in JavaScript, fields aka variables can be added to a collection of fields. But you can't add them to a static class. You must add them to an instance of the class.

There are two ways to get access to a "class" instance.

%MyObj = new ScriptObject();

%MyObj is a numeric integer value representing the instance handle. This handle can be used to access any members of the class. The second way is to create an object instead of an instance handle.

new ScriptObject(MyObj);

But why did we create a scriptObject instead of our MyClass?

You can't create classes that isn't defined and exposed in the Torque core (C++ source). All Torque classes are derived from the SimObject class and so are ScriptObject and it also defines some special fields.

%MyObj = new ScriptObject(MyObject)
  class = "MyClass";

Now we can call our functions from the handle because we told it to be class MyClass.

%MyObj.Function1("Hello World");

or from the object.

MyObject.Function1("Hello World");

Since MyObject isn't a variable, it shall not be accessed with the %

Well, not entierly true. Because we call it through its handle, the first parameter will always be the handle itself and is usually defined like this.

function MyClass::MyFunction1(%this,%param1)
  echo("Handle:" SPC %this SPC "Param:" SPC %param1);

The "instance" is passed in as the first parameter. It doesn't need to be called %this, but it has been the common practice to name it %this.

We can add fields as we please to this particular instance by just assigning values to it.

function MyClass::MyFunction1(%this,%param1)
  %this.Message = %param1;

function MyClass::MyFunction2(%this)
  echo("Handle:" SPC %this SPC "Param:" SPC %this.Message);

Okay so what are DataBlocks?

Let's say we have different configurations of MyClass. We can create a DataBlock for each configuration and then tell the instance to use it. All members of the DataBlock will be accessible fields in the instance.

datablock AudioProfile(audioName)
   filename = "~/data/sound/Audio.wav";
   description = "myaudioDescription";
   preload = false;

As for classes a datablock must be based on a predefined datablock. However, you can add new fields as you like to them.

datablock AudioProfile(MyAudioDatablock)
   filename = "~/data/sound/Audio.wav";
   description = "myaudioDescription";
   preload = false;
   Message = "My field";

Here we created a new datablock based on the AudioProfile datablock and added one extra field; Message. We can now create our class and add all the fields from the datablock at once.

%MyObj = new ScriptObject()
  datablock = MyAudioDatablock;
  class = "MyClass";

%myObj.Function2(); // echo My field

If we have the same class but many different configurations, we can create one datablock for each configuration and assign them when we create the class instance.


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