Personally, I'm more of a fan of binary formats with sections (like Windows PE, just much simpler). They are also easier to parse (but that's just my opinion.... I did work with XML enough to give me headaches, checking whether getElementByName has returned a single value or a list of values... ugh). So, if I were you, I'd make it something like this:
".MMF\0" // magic value at the start, null-terminated string. stands for My Map Format :)
char header_length // useful when parsing. char is a byte, of course, an unsigned one
char version // version of the map file. (you don't really need ints here, because you probably won't be needing more than 255 versions for example, but you can also use them)
char* map_name // null terminated string describing the name of the level/map
char* author_name // if you are going to have a map editor for the general public, it would be nice to credit the person who made the map
int width // it's probably wise to plan ahead and expect an int here when you're parsing the file
int height
".layer\0" // we begin another subsection
char header_length
char type // type of the layer. for example, you can put 1 there if you want this to be a layer describing different tiles/block in a Terraria like game
".data\0" // yet another subsection. this will hold the data for the tiles
// in a hypothetical terraria 2d game, you would lay down tiles from
// the top-right corner (0,0) and then begin writing row after row
// write(1,0); write(2,0); write(3,0); ... then write(0,1); write(1,1);
// write(2,1); write(3,1); and so on..
char t1 // tile at (0,0). for example, value 0 is empty, or passable tile
char t2 // tile at (1,0). this might be a dirt block - value 1
char t3 // tile at (2,0). a rock, perhaps? value 3
char tn // tile at (width-1, height-1) or the bottom-left tile
".layer\0" // another layer.
char header_length
char type // let this on be of value 2, and let it describe portals.
// putting portals in a game makes it instantly 20% cooler
char t1 // 0, no portal here at tile (0,0)
char t2 // still nothing
char t3 // nope, try again
char t47 // at some location, you made a red portal. let's put 1 here so we can read it in our engine
char t86 // looke here, another 1! you can exit here from location corresponding to t47
char t99 // value 2. hm, a green portal?
char tn // bottom-left tile, at (width-1, height-1)
".layer\0" // another layer
char header_length
char type // value 3, player&enemies spawn points
char something // you don't have to have header len fixed. you can add stuff later
// and because you were smart enough to put header length
// older versions can know where the stuff of interest lays
// i.e. version one of the parser can read only the type of layer
// in version two, you add more meta-data and the old parser
// just skips it, and goes straight to the .data section
char t1 // zero
char t2 // zero
char t3 // zero
char t42 // a 1 - maybe the player spawn point. 5 tiles to the right
// there's a red portal
char t77 // a 2: some enemy spawn point
char tn // last tile
- Looks cool.
- Makes you think you know something about programming, doing stuff the old fashion way.
- You can manually write your levels in a hex editor:
- Generally faster than INIs and XMLs, both from writing and reading perspective
- It's a long stream of byte data, really. No need to spend time on making it look pretty, indentation wise (like what you'd want to do with XML).
- It's easy to add stuff in the headers. If a piece of data comes at the bottom of the header, old versions of parsers can be instructed to avoid it and jump to the part of the file they understand.
- You have to take good care of data placement.
- Data fields must be ordered.
- You must know their type in parser - like I said, it's just a long stream of bytes.
- Moving data by one location (for example, you forget to write the type of the layer; the parser expects a byte there and it finds the value of '.' - that's not good) messes up the entire data array from that point onward.
- Harder to jump right into - there is no API, no function like getLayerWidth() - you have to implement all of that yourself.
- There's potentially a lot of wasted space. Take the third layer for example. It will certainly be packed with a lot of zeros. This can be circumvented though if you use some sort of compression. But again, that's messing with low-level stuff yet again...
But the best thing in this approach in my opinion is - you get to do it all by yourself. Lots of trial-and-errors, but at the end, you end up learning a lot.