I have 2D array of floats. Using the floats, I generate image by doing proportional selection of color from between COLOR_MIN, COLOR_MAX – for maximal float value at given (x,y), I choose COLOR_MAX and put pixel at (x,y), for minimum float value – I choose COLOR_MIN.
Resulting 128x128 image (created from 128x128 float array) is then used as texture, which is then scaled to about 500x500 size. Image displayed this way has "dot-noise", like if the image would be printed from needle printer (example image/screenshot attached below).
How to avoid the noise? I could scale the image myself to 512x512, but I probably need some filtering? Or will be setting some OpenGL (ES) options for the texture sufficient?
PS.: The image is result of GL_LINEAR magnifying filter. Using GL_NEAREST results in large pixels being clearly visible (green below). So apparently, I need programmatic filter to run on CPU.
results so we can look at it? \$\endgroup\$