I have created a game that has a ghost that mimics the movement of the player after 10 seconds. The movements are stored in a list and i use a foreach
loop to go through the commands. The ghost mimics the movements but it does the movements way too fast, in split second from spawn time it catches up to my current movement. How do i slow down the foreach so that it only does a command every half a second? I don't know how else to do it.
Please help
this is what i tried : The foreach runs inside the update method
DateTime dt = DateTime.Now;
foreach ( string commandDirection in ghostMovements )
int mapX = ( int )( ghostPostition.X / scalingFactor );
int mapY = ( int )( ghostPostition.Y / scalingFactor );
// If the dt is the same as current time
if ( dt == DateTime.Now )
if ( commandDirection == "left" )
switch ( ghostDirection )
case ghostFacingUp:
angle = 1.6f;
ghostDirection = ghostFacingRight;
Program.form.direction = "";
dt.AddMilliseconds( 500 );// add half a second to dt
case ghostFacingRight:
angle = 3.15f;
ghostDirection = ghostFacingDown;
Program.form.direction = "";
dt.AddMilliseconds( 500 );
case ghostFacingDown:
angle = -1.6f;
ghostDirection = ghostFacingLeft;
Program.form.direction = "";
dt.AddMilliseconds( 500 );
case ghostFacingLeft:
angle = 0.0f;
ghostDirection = ghostFacingUp;
Program.form.direction = "";
dt.AddMilliseconds( 500 );