I'm working on my first game, and are looking into the option to save a number of game state settings.
One of the things I want to save is the high scores, this will contain a list of the 10 players that scored the highest.
I have been looking into this for a while, and was wondering what the best way for this is.
While being ingame I will have a list of high scores comprised of Player, Score, Level. This of course needs to be updated each time the score has been beaten, but it also needs to be saved somewhere where it won't be reset the whole time.
I would think this kind of information should be saved into a file (either xml or comma separated values).
The problem I'm facing is what to do on the initial set up (I would like to have some fake values in the high scores table), however if I add that to the file how do I know that the scores in there are the initial set up ones, or the real ones? Once the player has a endgame for the first time, these fake scores should not being shown anymore.
However the player can also reset the scores, and at that point I would like to have the fake scores shown again.
So my question is what is the best way of setting this up? Do I keep 2 files, one with the real scores, other with fake ones? or do I keep the fake ones in a list inside the game and when the file with high scores can't be found I use that list?